Reviews from

in the past

I actually bought this. Along with its nephew The First Tree, it shows a post-Firewatch game world filled to the brim with oversaturated environments. In contrast, it dives deep into fantasy storytelling, which unfortunately never clicks for me. It's reminiscent of late-stage Genshin Impact stories - constant reveals of new, otherworldly mechanics in a dialogue between a fickle protagonist and an all-knowing companion. I think toning down the environments would've done a lot to make it stand out more, ironically.

So I was just kind of expecting a walking sim, it most is, but it also has collectables that actually net you perk upgrades, really neat. It looks VERY pretty, and its very heavy on philosophy and like death and how one lives their lifes and consequences, etc. (I'm not that smart with this stuff but I can get gist of it).

I will say the ending is kind of a wet fart, but otherwise cool.

oh no!!! i genuinely wish i was able to connect with this gorgeous, original, thoughtful game. but i had a moment of dread when i missed a jump and lost my compass and spent 20 minutes totally lost. then another moment when i saw a hollow log and my character said "what a good place to hide from a big animal". finally i found a tiger lurking around a corner and he chased me and it turns out this chill atmospheric exploration game is actually very difficult to navigate, very slow, and has mandatory chase sequences. i can't do it, i'm sorry.