Reviews from

in the past

slap me with that game i'll be ok

Primeira vez dropei, na segunda joguei até o final, jogo bom... mas o fato de nao receber xp por fazer missões acima do nivel me tilta

le jeu est parfait je veux pas vous entendre

Honestly the main game is insane and so good but the DLC for this game is still to me the standard for a DLC because it is incredible. Worth putting all the hours in to get thru it all

alem do jogo ser perfeito a serie tbm é perfeita.

de los mejores rpg de la historia
pero considero que hay tramas secundarias mejores que la historia principal (buscar y ayudar a ciri)

la historia del barón sanguinario es perfecta
lo de buscar a jaskier es una paja
yennefer está sobrevalorada

en fin, este juego es precioso con sus pros y contras y vale totalmente la pena

Opção de dialogo para fazer sexo? Perdão, minha amiga, mas eu vim aqui jogar Gwent (emoji de diabinho)

one of the best rpgs and you can have sex

The best game I've ever played

This game is a masterpiece. I played for about 30 hours and finished it, but i didn't even started the DLCs. Also, i didn't finished all the secondary quests neither the contracts. This game is full of content and is indeed one of the best games ever created,

Um dos rpg`s mais imersivos que tive o prazer de jogar. Quests com tramas e subtramas que te prendem em uma lore bastante rica, além de uma variedade de cenários detalhados. Sem dúvida, um dos jogos que mais me marcou.

bagulho é daoraa , mais nao me prendeuu muito

I tried to start but I had too many things to do immediately. With too much food in my plate I got overwhelmed and ate nothing.

The Most Overrated Video Game of All Time

This review contains spoilers

Um dos jogos mais imersivos que eu ja joguei!! É muito bom fazer estratégias diferentes para derrotar diferentes monstros, um combate incrível. A história é incrível, e aquela angústia final de "ela realmente morreu?" é indescritível. Todas as missões secundárias (e contratos) também são ótimas, eu fiquei mais tempo resolvendo problemas de uma vila, do que focando na história principal.
Recomendo demais, entrou no meu top 5!

geralt of rivia, i hope witcher 4 lets us see you naked instead of the girls

I don’t usually play games multiple times after I finish them(unless I wnat the platinum trophy) but this game was the exception and the only game that I finished 3 times and still planning on playing it for the fourth time.🤍

Witcher 3 is a game that plays extremely strongly to it's strengths and does well enough with it's weak points. By and far the best part of the game is it's narrative and how interactive it is, while also feeling that every choice is meaningful and as well written. I did every side quest I came across which is very rare for me in a game of this scale but even minor pieces of content like that felt major. I have some complaints about the pacing, combat, the open world, overall variety etc. but I did very much enjoy my time with this game the entire way through.