Reviews from

in the past

Diablo in ancient times should really be my thing. Unfortunately, I only found it OK in terms of gameplay and the story didn't convince me either. But I could imagine giving it another chance.

reason why i am autistic about arpgs

que pena eu nao ter conhecido em 2006
e graças a deus consegui dar refund no xbox, 14 reais saíram caro depois que dei play...

Mid Diablo style action RPG. I love these types of games normally - turning my brain off and grinding and making numbers go up is great relaxation. This one though, is slow, clunky, and aged very badly playing it in 2021/2022. The story is also nonexistent, even for one of these games.

Really cool class system. Always a sucker for mythology.

A small man goes on a very big adventure.

I blame this game for the touch of arthritis in my right index finger from all the mouse clicking.

given that it's a Diablo 2 clone set in the mythological bronze age where you get to adventure across Ελλάς all the way to 𓆎𓅓𓏏𓊖 even, it's naturally one of the most efficacious sleep-aids ever made (that is what you were expecting, right...?)

one of the first games i was ever autistic about as a kid

Je suis allé au bout du jeu... pour perdre contre le boss. Rageant, je n'avais pas assez monté mon perso, pourtant toutes les quêtes annexes avaient été faites...
Ceci dit, je suis allé au bout, c'est un point and click génial dans le monde la mythologie, le seul d'ailleurs. Foncez si vous aimez le genre.

literally my modern usernames and D&D character names came from this game it's an absolute masterpiece

I usually don't go in for this type of ARPG game (I've never even finished a Diablo) but for some reason this one clicked with me. I'm not even particularly into the setting it just had a great loop and a great over world.