Reviews from

in the past

This is what the pinnacle of first person shooter games looks like

The best giant robot game of all time ea we need a titanfall 3 now

Rating this off its singleplayer alone because I have not touched the multiplayer unfortunately, but titanfall 2's campaign is a wonderous assortment of ideas that is truly a unique experience.

Que absurdo de jogo, fico super triste não o ter experenciado mais cedo

one of the few multiplayer games I consistently come back to

My actual preferred FPS game, so good

great game that was abandoned in favor of slop like apex; multiplayer is not worth it, full of tryhards and hackers

Titanfall 2 is the best Call of Duty. The pilot movement is fast and slick and the titans are heavy and powerful. The level design is top-tier, with Effect and Cause standing out among a slew of great arenas. The dialogue between Jack and BT is surprisingly well-written, with some great jokes and heartfelt moments allowing a real connection to the robot.

Maybe the best FPS single player campaign of all time.

eu queria ser um piloto que nem um cooper quando eu tinha 18 anos

The campaign may only be 4 hours long, but it is some of the best 4 goddamn hours I ever played

Just a fun game. Has great combat has some of the best movement combine that with a great story and you're in for one hell of a treat

i feel like i played this too late to fully enjoy it, story was sigma tho

Both the story and the multiplayer do I consider to be masterpieces. The only problem is that there's not really much to grind and that it can be frustrating to find a game when the game crashes or not being able to matchmake for some reason. You could just install Northstar but it just feels so unnecessary. It should be a crime that Respawn and EA slept on this game and caused it to die.

Uma obra prima e fds, pico dos jogos de tiro!
Universo cativante, história emocionante, uma combinação perfeita!!🔥🔥🔥💗

A campanha é muito bom, mas o multiplayer é muito ruim comparado com o primeiro jogo.

The campaign is very good, but the multiplayer mode is very weak comparated with the first game.

Respawn be like "Umm, yeah, let's just make one of the best shooters with amazing movement, creative campaign moments, and fun ass multiplayer. And now let's make an awful battle royale...with EA."

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Uma obra-prima do fps, todas as missões são impressionantes tanto em gráficos como em escala, a jogabilidade é um primor técnico, a gunplay, a movimentação, tudo é bem feito, a fase de ficar alternando entre linhas temporais, é absurda, as partes dentro do Titan são maravilhosas também, jogo bom pra krl, pena que tenha uma campanha muito curta.

campaign only player here, but that was definitely fun. story and characters is pretty forgettable but the gameplay, the set pieces, and some really creative standout missions elevate it a ton.

Movilidad god y una historia entretenida.

Um dos melhores jogos FPS que já tivemos, e infelizmente esse jogo mostrou muito o que é a sua produtora, nossa querida EA.

A EA sabe produzir jogos single player, na verdade ela coloca as pessoas no devido lugar, e quando ela mesmo não sabota (mais ou menos), jogos completos e autênticos como Titanfall surgem.

Titanfall tem 90% das missões muito bem feitas, a história segue muito bem o primeiro jogo, a gameplay é o ponto alto dessa continuação, e gostei demais como o mapa é direto.

Um dos jogos indispensáveis que qualquer pessoa deve jogar uma única vez, infelizmente jogos como esse está em excassez tanto por gênero ou por produtoras.

Respawn Entertainment COOKED, this game has the gift of fucking all the call of duty which nevertheless overshadowed it.

Best story game of all time. It was really quick but like overall this was so immersive and interesting compared to Titanfall 1 which felt me abit meh