Reviews from

in the past

i have NEVER played a game with as fluid movement as this. Games like this bring so much creativity to the table, allowing the player to go absolutely nuts. I only wish EA realized how special of a game this really was.

Really good game, although I wish it was longer, in the time I played I had a LOT of fun with the combat mechanics and just messing around. The story is really excellent and manages to create a really compelling plot in such a short amount of time and provide an emotional but also satisfactory ending. Incredible game overall.

Wow...Einer der besten Shooter, den ich je gespielt habe. Jede einzelne Mission hat absolut Spaß gemacht. Es gibt keine Frustmomente. Die Story ist mitreißend und ich liebe BT. Ich lehne mich hier weit aus dem Fenster, aber das Movement in dem Spiel ist das Beste aus dem Genre. Die Titans fühlten sich wuchtig und träge an, so wie es auch sein soll und selbst die "normalen" Schussgefechte langweilten mich zu keinem Punkt. Ich habe tatsächlich etwas gebraucht, da es doch anstrengend wurde bei soviel Action, aber ich war heiß auf jede Session. Absolute Empfehlung.

Rarely in gaming do we find something as complete as Titanfall 2. This game had one of the best campaigns out of any shooter to date, and also came with a complete multiplayer experience to boot. Respawn took everything they learned from Titanfall, and pushed it to the breaking point for this game. The gunplay is superb, the movement was improved when no-one thought it possible, the titans have more customization and abilities, and the map design has something for every playstyle. This game is truly a modern master class in how a multiplayer movement-shooter should be developed. It is unfortunate that EA had to butcher the legacy of this game with something like Apex, however, this game stands as a testament to a time long ago when devs had passion, and cared for the community in which they served

Its crazy how you can ignore the multiplayer of this game entirely and it is still one of greatest FPS games ever made. When my friend screams that he's dropping on an Arc Titan and my Titan Falls Too that is so hype.

pero que cosa tan guapa no me gusta nada el tema mechas y noseque pero pffffffffff 🗣👏🔥🐐

unbeliavbly good campaign and addictive multiplayer

Gameplay, dublagem, BT como personagem, variedade de armas, bom level desing
História clique com antagonista inexistente, Gráficos
Antagonistas e qualquer personagem além de BT

Oh man. Oh man. This is the best goddamn shooter ever released. I don't give a fuck what anyone says this game feels like injecting black tar heroin

A decent shooter campaign, but oh man did the level designers pop off. They got so many incredible, unique, and memorable levels out of such simple mechanics. The story was a little generic, but was sweet and enjoyable. One of few campaigns attached to a multiplayer shooter that are actually worth playing.

This game is like a 2D Mario game, the story is mid and practically non existent but the movement and gimmicks it keeps throwing at you are really cool so you keep playing. Also the relationship between BT and the main character is adorable.

Short and oh so sweet. Besides the great gameplay and growing bond between the protags. I didn't know that this game was so pretty to look nor that they would play with game mechanics in the middle of the story, love that shit. It should've been a no brainer to greenlit a sequel or DLC that was like this for the games this could've been amazing with more entries.

Must be a famous and profitable company called EA making its descent the way that Titanfall.

Campanha bem sólida, mas curta, zerei em 7h que foram bem recheadas de mecânicas diferentes, ótimas partes de tiro e gameplay de Mecha muito divertida, só queria que tivesse ainda mais delas.
Encontrei um bugzinho visual aqui e ali e alguns locais que dava pra você entrar que claramente não era a ideia. Faltou um pouco de atenção na finalização do game, mas isso não comprometeu em nada, o jogo rodou legal.
Joguei no difícil, mas foi bem tranquilo, em nenhuma fase senti dificuldade, mesmo sem ter costume com fps.
Sobre o multiplayer, procurei uma partida por 10 minutos e desisti.

This game is one of the best fps games of the decade, its got an amazing campaign and addictively fun multiplayer. Not much more to ask from it really

Stop scrolling through backloggd and get this game. It's too good to just be another game in someone's backlog.

A gameplay e história desse jogo são absurdas

Rating is for the main campaign

Titanfall 2 tem uma campanha extremamente variada que para além de ser uma vitrine das mecânicas de seu multiplayer, sustenta uma coesão de elementos de jogos de ação, plataforma e FPS com bastante criatividade e um senso de escala bem interessante.

O uso de mecânicas únicas, sobretudo >aquela< envolvendo o MacGuffin do jogo, são bastante criativos. E o jogo vive em função desses momentos sem apelar extensivamente pra set pieces, tudo é bem orgânico: o movimento ágil da ação e das plataforma se resolvem com o controle na mão e pelas nossas habilidades.

Nesse sentido o know-how de seu diretor (Steve Fukada) com Call of Duty vem a calhar. É o tipo de construção de ação e intensidade em um jogo de guerra que muito me interessam pela extravagância — apesar do tom sério dos diálogos e dos personagens soar piegas as vezes. Nos seus momentos mais brilhantes, Titanfall 2 me remete ao tipo de experiência que tive com DOOM (tanto o clássico quanto o de 2016) com pitadas de Michael Bay no seu auge em Bad Boys.

While the titan gameplay can be frustrating and cumbersome at times, there's no denying how smooth and engaging this first-person shooter is. The kinetic combat and grand world-building bring to life a story that has humor and packs an emotional punch. While not as long as it could be, the whole package is cohesive and wonderfully delivered. What a blast!

Completed, fantastic game could play a million times more.

Another great game that I never finished because I got stuck on some stupid level (I believe you had to hold out for a certain period of time while everyone was trying to kill you).

i mean i see why everyone loves this one. the gameplay is so fun to play around with and attempt to master. gunplay is responsive & diverse with all sorts of things to try out. the actual titanplay too is so much more fun than I remember when i played the first game back on release.

the story sneaks up on you. its so quick & outside of your relationship with BT, theres nothing else to really feel connected to, so as you're sprinting/sliding/running/whatever else, you're also being fed exposition & dialogue that ultimately makes you feel so sad when a robot throws you for the nth time.

its good!

Graphics - 3/5
Gameplay - 4/5
Story - 4/5

Difficult but interesting multiplayer.

Haven't played campaign.

current benchmark for fps games