Reviews from

in the past

Rating based on the movie, the game is garbage

I dont remember much but this went hardd (also rating based off nostalgia)

rated this based on my nostalgic feeling

It wasn't as bad as I remembered. It was still not a good game but enjoyed it with nostalgia.

no clue what this was but i remember playing it

I don't remember this being THAAAT bad, but then again I was like 10 years old so idk.

spent a lot of time playing this with friends as a kid but now it doesn't do anything for me anymore

I've still never seen the movie.

TMNT aims to revive, even on the video game level, the famous Ninja Turtles. Unfortunately, however, intentions and deeds have not gone completely hand in hand. First of all, to think of a Turtles game without multiplayer is already a brave choice, and if then such a choice is not supported by good gameplay you just end up with the usual bland tie-in advisable only to fans of the series. The fact that TMNT is evidently meant for a young audience does not justify its repetitiveness, the mediocrity of the AI, and the utter lack of interactivity with the locations.

I played it at a friends house growing up. I do not remember anything about how it played but I do remember playing it.

i just want one tmnt game with good combat

Better than you'd think it'd be. Still not great.

This is for the superior GBA version which is weirdly absent here but is a fantastic beat em up

extremely short and unremarkable beat em up

ваааау, тут ведь черепашки бегают и прыгают, а еще, а еще... нууу... это... бам, бам, бдыщ, БА ДА БУУУМ

One of the first games I have played in my life. I hated every second of it. The Music was giving me headaches.

Why do I remember this game slapping? Being like 15 years detached I no longer have a frame of reference, but I feel like this game really slapped....

The first game I ever owned.

Points for nostalgia. But on replay last year.... the game play is just traversing for 80% of the game.

Era divertido
Michelangelo God
🍕 🐢

this is my favorite ninja turtles movie and this game captures it pretty alright. the platforming and parkour is surprisingly fun and smooth and was the highlight for sure. combat was not amazing, nothing is very wrong with it but it's just incredibly repetitive and uninteresting. the star system adds some tension/reward but it desperately needed some combos or something. voice cast was alright too but they said the exact same one liners constantly in gameplay, raph especially said "here's johnny!" an absurd amount of times and it was really annoying.

really does nothing unique, one of the more forgettable games i've played but really nothing wrong here either. i feel so neutral on this game i have very little to say.

Лучшая игра юбисофт

Pretty repetitive but overall ok game,i'm extremly biased because I loved TMNT as a child

This is probably more of a 4 than 6 since it's really short, get's repetitive after a while, and is generally unremarkable.
But I have a fuck tone of nostalgia from this game so fuck it I had a good time

If you love TMNT, it is fun. Four different character and mechanic.

once you figure out the "spin around on your back" move you never have to do anything else