Reviews from

in the past

what a fucking dogshit version of a game lmao

versão ruim da porra kkkkkkkk, quer jogar a boa baixa a do ps2 namoral não se arrepende

The absence of the light meter killed this game, you have no idea how hidden Sam is, the new meter in his back simply doesn't work, and combined with the weird lighting and bad AI, enemies can spot you pretty much randomly. Besides this, the majority of the levels are uninteresting, especially since most of them are in broad daylight, and not being seen in a place so well lit is completely ridiculous. (it doesn't help that Sam's model is always shining bright). Furthermore, in the JBA Headquarters sections, you're not able to run, the stealth mechanics are too simple to be fun, and going back and forth solving some minigames is just baffling.

Don’t remember anything about this

As far as concepts go, definitely the most interest SC. But also mechanically busted and the worst PC port I've ever attempted to play.

Strays from the stealth in favour of a stronger story and more intense experience. Fantastic game.

It's ok.

The "moral" choices are super stupid.

This is the sweatiest Splinter Cell game. Knowing how things turn out in Conviction makes me wonder if it’s even worth suffering so much.

didnt like it what can i say

The starting of a turn for the series into a direction I'd rather it didn't go down. Luckily we still had Mr Ironside for the next few games