Reviews from

in the past

Strays from the stealth in favour of a stronger story and more intense experience. Fantastic game.

As far as concepts go, definitely the most interest SC. But also mechanically busted and the worst PC port I've ever attempted to play.

Don’t remember anything about this

The absence of the light meter killed this game, you have no idea how hidden Sam is, the new meter in his back simply doesn't work, and combined with the weird lighting and bad AI, enemies can spot you pretty much randomly. Besides this, the majority of the levels are uninteresting, especially since most of them are in broad daylight, and not being seen in a place so well lit is completely ridiculous. (it doesn't help that Sam's model is always shining bright). Furthermore, in the JBA Headquarters sections, you're not able to run, the stealth mechanics are too simple to be fun, and going back and forth solving some minigames is just baffling.

versão ruim da porra kkkkkkkk, quer jogar a boa baixa a do ps2 namoral não se arrepende

what a fucking dogshit version of a game lmao

Both versions of Double Agent share a fair bit of issues but this version is absolute garbage.

You have minimalist terrible HUD that removed the noise meter for no reason, it's very unclear when you are hidden in darkness, even more because almost half of the game levels are in daylight (it's Pandora Tomorrow all over again).

The story is basically non existant, the levels are very short but too crowded, there's not one single level that feels good play except for the JBA hq, and with that granted only interesting addition to the franchise is the double agent gimmick, it's fun to investigate shit under everyone's noses.

Yeah this game feels completely unfinished, also it's top 5 worst PC ports I ever played, and the game feels like it lacks a final level completely, it will just end and that's that, don't play this.

Too many stealth elements were stripped out of the PC/PS3/XBOX360 version of the game. This coupled with an unpolished gameplay and a storyline that forces you to perform boring tasks while off-mission makes this one of the weakest entries in the series. Despite this, I believe the game's ideas were not necessarily bad, just poorly executed.

Más de lo mismo y, aunque con buenas ideas, la ejecución deja que desear, junto con un apartado técnico muy mejorable; controles torpes e imprecisos, bugs absurdos, una IA con reacciones muy dramáticas y aleatorias...

Really good game completed it 100% got secret ending

I received a rude wakeup call once I hit in-engine gameplay: The game frequently runs at anywhere between 10-20 FPS. The 6th generation of consoles was not kind to the PS3, something most noticeable with multiplatform titles that released early in its life. Listen though, I'm something of a pro gamer. I've 100%ed Metal Gear Solid V on the PS3. It takes more than a kinda shitty framerate to scare me away from a game. Just know that the game runs fairly consistently on the Xbox 360.

The gameplay feels noticably different, or perhaps I should say "unpolished". It's no Hitman, nor is it a Metal Gear Solid, and it barely feels like the original Splinter Cell games at times. The HUD is extremely minimal, meaning you have almost no indicators of how hidden you are. The only indicator you get is a light that's green when you're "hidden", yellow when you're exposed, and red when you're detected. The difference in "light" and "dark" is nowhere near as distinct as it was in previous titles, constantly giving the unfulfilling sensation of hiding in plain sight. There is no darkness in this stealth game about hiding in the shadows. You also have regenerating health, which I would be more frustrated with if Sam didn't die in 4 bullets anyways.

Ubisoft Shanghai's level design mentality finally clicked with me while playing this title. Not only are their stages more linear than Ubisoft Montreal's, it often feels like they're built with a specific play style or route in mind, a definitive solution to the puzzle. The times when that proverbial linearity leash comes off is at JBA Headquarters, where the game does take on more Hitman-styled stealth, to a degree. You're given a singular task to do from a JBA member, and they leave you alone for the next 25 minutes, trusting you to work diligently at your task. That's more than enough time to go snooping around where you're not supposed to. These parts would probably be cooler in a game with actual meaningful stealth mechanics.

Now that I've played both versions, I can safely say that the version on 5th generation consoles is superior, if only by virtue of sticking to what worked before. This? This is a mess. It's barely a stealth game. It's barely a Splinter Cell game. It's barely fun.

Wholly inferior to the original Xbox version.

As far as platform specific issues I could never figure out how to upgrade anything when I played on PC.

Just get the old Gen version if you can. Watch this one on YouTube or something.

The starting of a turn for the series into a direction I'd rather it didn't go down. Luckily we still had Mr Ironside for the next few games

didnt like it what can i say

This is the sweatiest Splinter Cell game. Knowing how things turn out in Conviction makes me wonder if it’s even worth suffering so much.

It's ok.

The "moral" choices are super stupid.

PC/Next-Gen version is kinda glitchy, doesn't play as well as Chaos Theory.

The playstation 2 version of this game is a 100x better than the 360/PS3 version and is basically just a continuation of Chaos Theory gameplay with a weirdly creepy soundtrack and much darker tone. Weird that you have to go backwards a generation to get the better experience, but that is the case here. If you disliked the 360/ps3 version, give the PS2 version a shot.

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This was one of the few games I had for 360 for a while, and my brother and I enjoyed it a lot. The missions are fun and have a nice variety to them, and the double agent stuff is good too. I really liked the JBA stuff in particular, having a time limit to complete tasks. I forget the details of how it all played out, but I liked this game a lot. I think its a less well loved Splinter Cell game in general, but I liked it.

The "Last" Splinter Cell game, much darker and personal than the previous games, but still a tense and anxiety inducing experience. Sad to see how Ubisoft treats this franchise now, but it was a great last hurrah before this franchise became a hollowed husk.

This game's stealth mechanics are more dated than frosted tips.

A step down from Chaos Theory, but the story was actually really damn good, and the level design was still top notch.

Finally finishing a game which I started 16 years ago.

I liked it a lot, it expands on a lot of the ideas of Chaos Theory but isn’t as good overall.

A game botched by a broken PC port. It's only working okay on Xbox 360. And you can clearly see they went really ambitious on the game. Buuut... They didn't make a big wow, sadly.