Reviews from

in the past

strangely addictive and simple, i think its great when i dont have advertisement aids reachin into my cleavage and this type of monochromatic/limited color palette type game will always scratch such a nice itch, it somehow both looks really cool, makes me think of warm nights or just makes my eyeballs watery
final thoughts:
it sure is a phone game thats barely entertaining enough for me to log on backloggd because this is genuinely some neat & fun arcade puzzle gameplay

I nominate every game with a general monochromatic color scheme to be a part of the new Virtual Boy core genre. I refuse to elaborate.

Muito bom pra passar o tempo, alguns até que são muito bem feitos, uma pena que pelo fato de ter jogado no mobile, ele possui muitos anúncios, mas tirando isso, muito

this game is not that good lol

Great way to pass the time. It's brought down by the energy system, but you only lose energy when you die so it's not as bad as some other games and you can watch an ad to get more energy or to keep going in the level. Also, the sound and visuals are amazing

garbage but i can't stop playing this shit help

Até que possui qualidade para um jogo exclusivamente mobile. Jogava para passar o tempo e sempre funcionou muito bem. O level design e os puzzles também não são de se jogar fora.

Played this under the pretense of being a "soulslike rhythm game" according to the play store, and although its absolutely neither I can totally see how one would come to that conclusion, that being because it kinda sucks :/