Reviews from

in the past

Most TV show game spinoffs suck horribly and when it comes to reality tv based games, you usually are looking REALLY at that bottom of the bin here. Surprisingly... Top Chef somehow manages to avert this.

Ok dont get me wrong, its not a great game by any means, the animation can be a bit stiff and the gameplay basically is a series of quite repetitive 'dash' style timing maneuvers but its clearly been made with some thought.

This is mostly thanks to the occasional scoring quirk where you not only have to combo dishes together, but you have to make sure you use ingredients that compliment each other to gain bonuses. Its basic but effective, even though sometimes your end meal can be a spinach salad with spinach leaves and a spinach sauce... But thats not the point.

So yeah. Casual breezy fun that'll be a nice aside for fans of the series but anyone wanting something a bit more serious should look elsewhere