Reviews from

in the past

your pet has fled

i was humbled by the end of act 2

you can't vamp an ohko

- The same as torchlight 1 but with more content.
- Felt more janky then the first game but it doesn't become annoying or frustrating.

This is the Torchlight you want to play (even the first one), we don't talk about the next entries. The ultimate ember sniffing experience. Play it on hard and you won't even see what oneshots you. Play it online and you will desync and die when there's no enemies. Play it with mods and enhance the experience while not understanding crap about what's happening.

Torchlight 2 is a Diablo killer, no doubts. It clears so hard without even trying.

I don't quite know why I played through the whole thing :D Can't remember much except that I thought it was super nice that you can sell loot at any time by sending your pet into town?^^ Well, I probably just switched off my brain and started slaughtering. I can recommend it to any hack and slay fan, but you have to like the comic style.

A good try and an alternative in the ARPG genre. The game unfortunately has not stood the test of time, but previously captivated me for 50+ hours, but there are many high-quality mods that improve the game.

Хорошая попытка и альтернатива в жанре ARPG. Игра к сожалению не прошла проверку временем, но ранее увлекла меня на 50+ часов, но есть множество качественных модов, которые улучшают игру.

Gut, nur das Kampfsystem ist mit Range manchmal etwas clunky - vielleicht liegts daran, dass die Auflösungen inzwischen etwas anders sind als bei Spielrelease. Eindimensionaler als neuere Titel, aber super Einstieg ins Genre. Sehr hübsche Grafik :)

the closest i will come to playing diablo i think

Diablo 2 but more user friendly. A favourite for a lot of people but it got kinda repetitive and boring for me after 5 hours. Dropped it after 10.

Torchlight 2, tem melhorias em relação ao seu antecessor, questão de itens, classes e até graficamente. O jogo mantém a estética vibrante e o combate cativante, mas sofre com repetição, especialmente em ambientes e inimigos. Apesar de oferecer variedade nas classes e modos de dificuldade, chega a um momento que fica enjoativo, não tendo desafios ou um pós game divertido.

Eu tava jogando e do nada acabou. Eu curto esse tipo de jogo, e acabei me divertindo bastante jogando esse, então toma nota alta.

One of the great ARPGs. Sad they ruined the series...

The definition of "we have Diablo at home".

Really fun and engaging! I always thought the artstyle was really cute!
I also bought the game for like 1€ lmao

Torchlight II is an enjoyable ARPG dungeon-crawler with a huge amount of loot, fun, and exploration to be had! I've enjoyed this game since 2013, and I have played it several more times over the years.

Torchlight II has some very enjoyable gameplay, and its visuals are pretty cool and its soundtrack is good too, and they both compliment the game and give it its cool style. The environments in the game are pretty cool, and sometimes quite varied, and there are many places to explore and quite a few side quests to participate in, too. Its combat is also incredibly satisfying.

Throughout the game, there is a huge variation of armor, weapons, and enchantments that you will find, and you can also transmute items and enchant things at an enchanter. You can also find "ember" to socket items with that will give you a boost in elemental strength, from defense to attacking with that element.

There are four classes in the game: The Embermage, the Berserker, the Engineer, and the Outlander. Each class has different skills and weapon specializations, although you can use any kind of weapon that you want, no matter what class you play as. You can also customize the characters a bit and choose a pet, although the default options aren't very extensive.

Torchlight II is also a mod-friendly game, and it has plenty of cool mods that can change the gameplay, add areas, give more customization options, and add convenience features.

Overall, I have no complaints about Torchlight II that I can think of. The story isn't very fleshed-out, but I find that it's still sufficient for the game nonetheless, and its gameplay is very satisfying and quite fun! I would definitely recommend Torchlight II to anybody who enjoys ARPGS, Co-op games, and loot games, and if you enjoyed Torchlight I as well. ^.^

A better Diablo than Diablo

Here's that nice Matt Uelmen muzak and crunchy combat SFX you wanted my dear Diablo enjoyers, that is all you wanted, right??? We creative geniuses behind Hellgate London made sure that Act 1 is grassy foothills, Act 2 is desert, Act 3 is swampy shithole (hope u liek voodoo fetish enemies) and Act 4 is lava hellhole (where you in a turn of genius fight the playerchar from Torchlight 1 turned evil) to ensure that this is teh ultimate ARPG. Nevermind how the itemization and class/skill balance is worse than Diablo 3 at launch, you can mod it and play this through hamachi with the boYs!!!!!!!

Celui-ci avait le multi et c'était tout de suite beaucoup sympa.

PLAYED IT WITH FRIENDS THE WORST IDEA I EVER HAD. Waiting for everyone was really boring, and we needed to share loot.

Fairly average ARPG. I like the cartoony graphics; the pets are the highest positive mechanic in the game. They help fight, they can share buffs, but most of all they sell your crap to the town without you going any where. The story is whatever; you're not going to play for that. The action is alright, fun to bash my hammer into the ground to create earthquakes.

However, the classes felt very limited. I was lucky with my class that I only needed a really good 2H weapon. My partner used shotguns. If you had an outdated one, it really hurt. There was some issues with lagging. Not sure if that's a server problem?.

It was hard to play this one and not compare it to Grim Dawn or Path of Exile. We had more fun with both of those titles. This felt more dull and pushed you to gamble for equipment rather than playing the game and getting drops. The drops were really disappointing after boss fights.

Where it Shines:
Art Style - 7/10
Classes - 9/10
Fun - 8/10

The Good:
This game is my favourite dungeoncrawler. In a sea of Diablo medieval fantasy with it's dark, grey, poorly lit overtones, TL2 is a breath of fresh air.
The classes are super fun, and give the game a lot of replayability. Though I never messed around with multiplayer, it exists too, so that's probably a plus? But in all honesty the single player campaign is just fantastic.

The Bad:
Like every game in this genre, it needs some modern QOL improvements. The inventory management is atrocious, and the gem socketing and equipment you get can often feel incredibly underwhelming.

This is a fantastic game in a genre I love, but not without it's flaws. Still it's one of my favourite games of all time, though it may get bumped from that list at some point.

****note on my ratings:
half ⭐: hot trash garbage
⭐: below average, needs work
⭐⭐: average
⭐⭐⭐: pretty good
⭐⭐⭐⭐: excellent
⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐: all time favourite
half star ratings between those mean it's slightly better or worse than stated in this list.

I love this game because it's one of the few "Diablo-like ARPG" games that have a character creator and be able to play an offline game with my character. Those two things alone solidified this game as a must play.

What I'm trying to say is that we need more "Diablo-like ARPG's" with character creation.

I played an loved this back when I finished Diablo II the first time on PC. Picked it up and finished it this time on Switch. Still a really cool game!