Reviews from

in the past

Unbelievably peak. The peakest peak there is to peak. One may even call it....Funky.

Amazing Project which shows a lot of promise, I bet it'll be a game that I'll regularly play once all the content + online mode is included!

Jokes aside there's genuine potential with fumo racing. The schmoovement in the purplezone stage with the roomba kart is great.


Very far from being a 100% polished game, but holy hell is it fun. Sitting down and playing with my sister has been a complete blast, and even though some cars are objectively better than others (Cleaning Bot...,) you can still make up for it with skill. The serotonin from getting a skip through some large chunks of the map.... God it feels good. Balance-wise though there are a few issues, especially with Reisen, and we're missing best girl Patchy as a fumo but I'm sure they'll work on it more in the future :)

I fucking hate mario kart spinoffs, but this one I don't really regret it...

A fun little game, which becomes more chaotic the more characters are added to the race.
For what the game has so far, its looking really promising. Smooth frame rate, no slowdown, vibrant colors and decent projectiles.

Quem precisa de Mario Kart quando se tem isso?

I joined their discord and the first thing I saw was someone comparing speedrunning Purplefield as Marisa as literally being part of the "Battle of Seattle" WTO protests in the 90's.

this is my first touhou game.