Reviews from

in the past

Normal mode is pretty hard and not being able to get any of the endings on easy is something I don't like. But playing the game with infinite lives is pretty fun.

To me, this is and will always be the best Touhou game without any doubt about it. It's just simple, no frills bullet hell, and so well-crafted at that. Honestly, no matter your skill level, I think everyone should play this at least once.

By the way, anyone who tells you that "hitboxes are necessary" are fucking liars and you shouldn't listen to them.

haha cirno <3
sakuya jojo reference

após Undertale eu precisava provar de Touhou, então fui logo no mais famoso e MEU DEUS QUE JOGO BOM QUE MUSICA BOA CARALHOOOOO. Um dia eu ainda vou terminar 1cc e enfrentar a Flandre (sei que da com cheat code mas nao quero no momento)

Even though there's no hitbox in the game, it was the big boom in the series for a reason. Chances are, even if you aren't a touhou fan, you've seen most of the characters that originate from this game.



You know a game is hall of fame when the main menu music is god tier. Amazing game.

Beating this finally after years of dipping every time I lost all my lifes felt good, good stuff!

Aprecio lo que representa, pero DETESTO todos los patrones aleatorios que abusa para aumentar la dificultad arbitrariamente. Menos mal que me parchee la hitbox.

peaked at patchouli appearance

i’m not ready to sell my soul yet. i played it, i beat it, but i did not get the true touhou experience. actually, really, seriously getting “into” touhou means devotion practice and commitment to something that, honestly, i feel no pull towards. plus the girls weren’t even cute

Really fun game to go for Lunatic 1CC in, fun extra stage, iconic characters and really good music.
As in classic Touhou fashion though most the fun is had during the boss-fights while stages are barren down-time without much happening out-side really random difficulty spikes like Books or Eternal meek.

Getting the normal 1CC on this was the moment that truly had me sold on bullet hells I think, since I can't really remember the last time I felt such a strong emotional response to succeeding at something in a game, or such nervousness when things began to look bleak. This game also really amps up how cool a lot of these bullet patterns look, with some especially interesting mechanics that offer a variety of challenges both purely reflex based and ones that focus more on pattern recognition. An absolute blast, only got mad occasionally :)


This game is perfectly serviceable, but unlike what many people will tell you, not a good starting point for the series. Plays much closer to the pc-98 entries then the windows games that come after it. Like pc-98, it has the difficulty ranking system, and you cannot see your hitbox when you focus. [the latter can be fixed with a patch, though.]

The music is good, the bosses are great. The amount of resources [bombs/lives] are fair as long as you play well. There's a lot of very memorable spell cards in this game, and it's as beloved as it is for a reason. It's very much worth playing, though it may be a bit of a hassle to get working if you're on windows 10/11

The fact that you can't use continues to see the real ending is pretty meh, but the OST and level design is very good!

Important to note, I'm very bad at shooters and all of my experiences come from Normal mode, and I haven't even gotten to Flandre yet

But this game is sooooo fun! It's not completely unfair (even if I hate Sakuya for the amount of 1CC runs she RUINED I HATE YOU-) and figuring out how to evade the patterns is actually super sick, almost like constantly solving new puzzles. Of course, the music is stellar, but if you've been on the internet long enough you don't need me to tell you that (my favorite is Beloved Tomboyish Girl). A really good game and it completely makes sense to me how this was the reason Touhou became a massive name.

A great entry for any fan! The music still hits hard to this day and hard difficulty is pretty reasonnable!

Pretty vanilla game in the series
it is the first one in the windows line after all
but other than that its a solid game
not perfect but thats only because im used to the more refined feeling of the newer games


there's something extremely fascinating about the thought that the PC-98 hardware was bringing ZUN down because this game is downright beautiful.

never mind some of the spell cards being highly difficult and a bit random, there's a spectacle to be had here and i think ZUN feels and think more about art while making these games than the average person will in their entire lives, including some other game makers.

Simples mas charmoso, alguns spell cards são um pouco injustos e aleatórios mas tirando isso, bem divertido de jogar

Not even for its time, its a generic shump from Japan. Everyone just overhyped it, over-rated and ZUN really just got lucky. Another game that got me through a few school days, that reason alone is keeping my opinion afloat.

Exemplary bullet hell that is easy enough for most people to beat the main content of bit difficult enough for more hardcore fans of the genre to enjoy. Not that I’m really the arbiter of that, since I’m pretty mediocre. Also a banger OST and some pretty fun boss fights. Repeating the same filler enemies gets tiring though.

First time I played Touhou, loved all of it, from the mechanics to the ost ( which is phenomenal ).

Gameplay is your classic bullet hell shmup but I feel as if it's more elegant than the classic arcade one, the bullets are also a bit slower than what I played before ( I feel so, might be wrong ), you can survive most of it on pure skills without learning patterns and that's mainly why I enjoyed it, because it's pleasant to play and doesn't feel too unfair ( depending on the patterns .... )

It doesn't have the QOL of Perfect Cherry Blossom but I don't really mind it as the game is still fully playable without it.

A good place to start Touhou ?

danny devito i get it now gif

This is the Fallout: New Vegas of shmups. Actually good and important for the genre, but giga overrated as hell.

I personally think Perfect Cherry Blossom is a much better game to introduce yourself to the Touhou series with. This has most of the basics but its rough in some areas (no viable hitbox, for one), so by the time that game rolled around ZUN tweaked it enough for it to be a bit more accessible.