Reviews from

in the past

Es un buen mod, se nota el cariño de los fans por la saga, es de muy buena calidad en muchos aspectos, gráficamente es hermoso, mejora el sonido de muchas cosas respecto a los juegos originales y tiene un amplio mapa. Puede hacerse tedioso debido a que la mayoría de misiones son "Ve del punto A al punto B y mata gente" por lo cual hay que estar preparado para un juego lento pero con una atmósfera atrapante, narrativamente adopta un enfoque mas paranormal respecto a los Stalker canónicos, busca darte unas vibras mas "tétricas" pero a la vez que te brinda un entorno colorido. Adopta muchas mecanicas de Call of Pripyat y busca acercarlo mas a Shadow of Chernobyl, tiene un final mejorable pero al no ser esta una review con spoilers no diré mas, si te gusta Stalker este es un mod que no te podés perder.

Хороший сюжетно-ориентированный мод для разнообразия после фриплейных Аномали и Гаммы. Но концовки конечно жиденькие, что одна, что вторая.

A good reason for another yearly S.T.A.L.K.E.R. playthrough. The saturation and UI might be off-putting for some fans of the series but I personally don't mind more variety when it comes to mods (looking at you, Anomaly and GAMMA players).

Sadly, I fucked up my save and didn't felt like starting over for now (remember to make hard saves).

The mod is really interesting and, importantly, made with high quality. All the problems that I encountered were immediately fixed by already released patches. From time to time I return to this world, but I don’t often throw myself into mods, because they are often overloaded and simply not very interesting to play, because... more war with bugs and overly complicated complexity, which is artificial. This is truly a week of interesting adventures in a well-known world.Really addictive, but of course the writer needs to think about what he wants to show. If you look at the game as a modification, there are no questions, it’s interesting to play through it once. This is a story-driven adventure, completely linear, where you need to go where they say, shoot where they show you, and don’t go off the rails.

It has been a while since I played my last stalker mod, so forgive me if I fail to compare it with stuff like Anomaly or any of the other story mods. Anyway, the game is just your classic stalker, you don't have to do anything too crazy besides the usual firefights, artifact harvesting and exploration.
The story was pretty good, but at times it's somewhat hard to follow due to the translation being not as good as it could be.
It's also hard to tell when you have a choice, I had to repeat the final battle a couple of times and I found out there are like 3 endings. This is not bad at all but the problem here is that I have no idea if I got the best ending or not, and I would like to find out.
Finally some parts do feel like padding, which I don't mind since they are just as good as the rest. Just keep in mind that even if it feels like it's starting to drag it's worth playing to completion.