Reviews from

in the past

This was my launch game for the PS1. I was gifted it with the console. All I was thinking, aww man a racing game. That sucks. Boy was I wrong on so many levels. TW2 is a really fun car combat game in both single player and multiplayer. The story is campy fun and it's interesting to see you characters backstory and see how their wish gets corrupted if you win. The presentation on the cinematics is really good as well. The gameplay is pretty tight and balanced. The levels are fun and have good variety to them. Overall really fun game.

Replaying in 2023 and this game is still awesome and a blast!

Platinum # 185

Twisted Metal 2 was the absolute shit to me as a kid, there was a video demo of the game in one of the early sampler discs that came with the PS1 console that absolutely hyped the shit out of me. An indy car that turns into a tornado? A construction vehicle slamming cars all over the place? Blowing up the damn Eiffel Tower? Absolutely mindblowing to my little peabrained stupid kid mind back in the day and it even got me to buy the first game to get initiated to the series in preparation. Does it hold up for me in 2021 though? Well, for the most part yes. I think it's a blast to play and I find myself coming back to it constantly, but there's definitely stuff to complain about.

In this game there's a new mechanic introduced called "advanced attacks". They're initiated by pressing a combination of directional inputs and can be used at any time provided you have enough energy for it. It's basically like special moves in a fighting game. These advanced attacks are very finicky though, if I had a nickle for every time my inputs were eaten trying to throw out a freeze attack I'd be the owner of multiple secret bases hidden within Antarctica. Which speaking of, the freeze attack is basically the evolution of the freeze missile from TM1. They buffed it, a lot. It's obnoxiously good in this game. It was turned from a missile to a big blue fireball which makes its hitbox much larger, plus they gave it homing capabilities and you CANNOT break out of it. You can even chain freezes together! Touch of death combos for everyone! I wouldn't complain about how busted the freeze attack was though if it weren't for my next big issue with the game.

The CPU was NOT improved at all from the first game and still obviously have infinite weapons, and because of the new advanced attacks as well as the more unique specials they've become horrifically obnoxious. Remember how Darkside would constantly shoot freeze missiles at you in TM1? Now think about Mr. Slam or Roadkill using the overpowered freeze repeatedly in this game. The sad thing is that they're not even the worst CPU opponents. Axel and Twister are both very dangerous to approach due to their close-range specials constantly going off, Axel in particular can destroy your life bar in seconds if you meet him in a really bad spot like in a place with a low ceiling and getting hit by the brunt of Twister special is very disorienting and leaves you open to attacks from other opponents as you're spinning around. The most annoying one though is Spectre who at seemingly random will just completely unload his entire stock of phantom missiles on you if you're within a mile of him and nail you constantly.

Another huge annoyance with dealing with the CPU is that if they're too far away from you then damage won't register on them, this makes using landmines or sniping strategies really frustrating as you'll see a CPU in the distance get smacked very obviously by a ricochet bomb but their health bar won't go down because they were too far from your view. There's multiple times where you can see CPU opponents having an orgy somewhere on the minimap constantly running into each other only for them to somehow escape with zero damage. Very dumb!

And what's up with the developers hating Hammerhead? He handles like complete garbage and they let Axel do his job of crushing cars better. Grasshopper's special literally just doesn't work sometimes and that's ignoring how backwards it is for the low armor vehicle to try and ram people especially with how dangerous it is to approach some cars like the aforementioned Axel.

This game isn't perfect, no game is. But man, car combat is fucking cool. I miss it so.

Mais do mesmo, novos carros, mesma premissa, o fator novidade se esvai e sobra basicamente a necessidade de mais jogadores pra se divertir.

i used to hate playing this game and either i was on crack or i just gaslit myself into liking it cuz this kicks ass.

Me and my friend used to play this so much when we were like 8-9, and it still holds up even though the controls are sluggish

pek bişi hatırlamıyorum ama coverından eminim bu oyuna sahip olduğumdan

One of the formative games of my childhood, but rather difficult to revisit today. It's still fun to drive around and blow stuff up with a friend, though.

Still fun to play and unlock cars to this day! Maybe one day we'll see a new one.