Reviews from

in the past

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Ah yes, Undertale. Started with "Oh this looks fun, let's stream this!". Ended with us bawling our eyes out on the sofa to two viewers at the walk near the end.

This game deserves all the praise and hype it gets, particularly in its ingenuity and soundtrack.

Despite everything, it's still you.

Gameplay bem original e o desenrolar da história funciona de acordo com as suas escolhas durante o combate do jogo (eu gosto bastante disso). MAS PUTA QUE PARIU QUE ROTEIRO MEDIOCRE. Tem tipo uns 3 personagens que eu gostei disso.

This is an absolutely phenomenal and emotional experience, and a game well worth everyone's time. The combat is fun and engaging without being too difficult, and remains rewarding throughout the entire game.

i have tried, SO MANY TIMES, to immerse myself into this game. SOMETIMES the gameplay can be challenging, SOMETIMES the dialogue can be intriguing, but most of the time i find myself bored out of my wits watching a youtube video off to the side. very tumblr-esque in the worst way (i say this as someone who uses tumblr regularly to this day)

Una experiencia narrativa simplemente emocionante. Me llegó duro a la patata y me alegro de haberlo probado sin saber nada de ello en el mismo año en que salió, antes de que Internet se obsesionase con el juego, así lo pude disfrutar a mi ritmo y con mucho gusto.
Muy recomendado.

woooooo oooo o o ooo storyofundertale

Super fun and the soundtrack is great, just a tad bit more on the lore side and talking side

Soundtrack goes positively silly. Couldn't get past Undyne the Undying on genocide run. Sans wins.

um dos melhores jogos ja feitos

Grande ídolo da comunidade lgbt

It's undertale, everyone knows what undertale is.

Que história, que jogo!! Esse game é simplesmente um jornada incrível do início ao fim, é perfeito nos mínimos detalhes, foi uma experiência nova jogar Undertale, eu já tinha ouvido falar do game mas nunca tive a vontade jogar, acredito que foi pelo estilo do jogo, rpg, 2D, eu nunca fui acostumado a jogar esse tipo de jogo mas graças a um amigo eu dei o primeiro passo e certamente não me arrependi. O jogo tem finais distintos que te faz perceber que esse jogo é diferente, que tem muito carinho envolvido em sua produção. Recomendo a todos. Esse jogo é osso duro de roer

furry değilim normal bi insanım

Não tem o que falar. Um dos melhores indies feitos e tbm um dos melhores jogos já criados.

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I've watched a Let's Play of this recently so I thought it was appropriate to look back at this game.

I love it and it's absolutely worth the hype. Surprisingly for the same reason I love film. You see, it's easy for video games to be de-individualised behind companies that make it; it's rare for singular voices to be heard. In film, I love seeing what a director puts out: the theme of their stories, the style, the passion behind what the produce. Here, we have the rare case of one individual making history with a touchingly personal, extremely entertaining, and monumentally impressive feat.

Toby Fox gives us a fun romp of an adventure in every sense. Its humor is its instantaneous charm: the plays with the RPG's of the past, the outstanding music, and the story really subverse your expectations of the game that truly make you the player feel like you're on a crazy quest.

Furthermore, that fourth-wall breaks aren't used lazily, those are the aspects that make you believe you're playing something special. I remember I did something I regretted, loaded out before it saved, and then got CALLED OUT by the game as soon as I felt like I got off scott-free.

Its remarkable! I love this game beyond words and I always find myself coming back too it, especially the music.

Eu fiz o final pacifista me emocionei muito e deu vontade de nunca mais tocar nesse jogo pros personagens poderem viver felizes pra sempre...

To preso na Undying até agora

amazing game must be played once in a lifetime

might be unfair but -1/2 star cause of the fandom

hermanoqlidnooooooo aaaaaaaaaaaaaa me hzio llorar muxooooooo

Spawned one of the worst fanbases of all time and I completely understand why