Reviews from

in the past

my brother didn't even let me touch this cartridge, that was so stupid

Played the Genesis version, not sure why it's not listed as it was actually released. An okay port of Turrican 2 with the levels all out of order, some really forgettable levels in place of the shoot 'em up ones, and some incredibly lame bosses in place of really cool ones. Just play Turrican 2.

The original Turrican is seriously awful, damn near unplayable even, but if you make it playable it becomes this I guess. It's a port of Turrican II: The Final Fight with a movie license thrown onto it and some graphical changes. It's still pretty bad, honestly. Lack of invincibility frames, for example, is still a major issue, there's still several stages too many, and I could really do without the labyrinthian stage design that plagues both games. But hey, holding left and right simultaneously doesn't make the game freak the fuck out anymore! Yay!