Reviews from

in the past

I have no idea what I'm doing most of the time, but I still don't think it's as lame as people say.

It's alright but it's not really fun. This was included in tons of of those bootleg NES consoles along with 99 variations of Super Mario and Circus Charlie. It's 2 men fighting on the streets until one person ends up in a sewer.

its funny at first when the police car pass by and the 2 characters try to act nonchalant, until you nearly win but then lose all your progress because of that goddamn police car

Actually not as bad as I was expecting, based on what others have said about it. Simple 1v1 fighter that feels like a game of tug-of-war. I'd even argue its combat is easier to grasp than Punch-Out.

Weak story. We never find out why this guy gets into three separate fights back-to-back. Were they all for the same reason, in which case why didn't all three guys just jump him at once? Was it three isolated incidents? If the latter is the case, than this game says more about his character than anything else.

This one just sucks. Repetitive and not fun.

As far as NES games go, this one doesn't even feel like it was even that great at the time it released. Nintendo seems to think its the best game on the system though by how much it gets rereleased.

Only made it to round 34.
I don't think I have what it takes to become the Urban Champion but the game's easier if you play it as sort of a rhythm game.

If Nintendo can rerelease Urban Champion on as many different formats as they have despite it being absolute garbage, you can tell your crush how you feel about her.

Fighting games are a very rare thing on the Famicom. In fact the only ones I can think of on the top of my head are Fighting Road, Yie Ar Kung Fu, Joy Mech Fight, and this game I'm talking about. Urban Champion is quite infamous for a Nintendo game. Many people dislike it and it felt like there was a time Nintendo just wouldn't stop porting it.

Urban Champion sees two guys who must had an argument about something, maybe it was Gundam related those debates can get heated! They fight until you're done for and it just keeps going. You want to knock him to the right but not get knocked out yourself. You basically have three lives and so does each CPU.

There's many obstacles you'll have to avoid like potted plants, umm...the opponent punches, and boredom. That last one is pretty hard to avoid. You can punch, you can dodge, you can block, it's pretty basic. It just keeps going and going and I somehow got to round 34 before I game over. This game can be pretty easy and if that bothers you, you can make someone else suffer and face you. Note if someone does this, you have every right to leave the room.

There's also the awful mechanic on the cops and my god they are the worst. They just are like wow nope, go back to start. Granted it did help me once but it also can screw you over and I have no clue who thought this was a good mechanic. Also he'll take you in or the CPU if you run out of time and are closer to your side.

It's just a very boring game like I don't even care about telling you the small jingles or the graphics I don't even care! It's like bad but it's not even funny it's just kind of weird Nintendo kept acknowledging it. I can't wait for this game to be put on NSO when they run out of games.

Para ser de NES no está mal, imagino.

What do you mean champion? I see this shit everyday in Brazil.

Urban Champion is one of those super old NES games that... honestly doesn't hold up today. It's basically a slow, clunky street fighting game with only a few moves. Back in the day, it might've been mildly fun for a few minutes, but now there are way better options. Nostalgia factor aside, it feels repetitive and boring really quickly. Sorry, Urban Champion, time has not been kind to you.

Very simplistic boxing game with a dash of side scrolling.

Pues eso, dos tipos pegandose hasta el fin de los tiempos o el hastio del jugador.

why does nintendo rerelease this game so much please let it go

Você é um cara azul e um cara verde te olhou torto, essa é a história.

A gameplay é até um pouco mais pensada do que só soco e chute, no caso são apenas socos, mas você pode escolher a força e a direção do soco. Escolhendo com as setas se será no nariz ou estômago, o personagem se coloca em defesa na área e você espera uma abertura para desferir um dos ataques: um com a potência de lançar seu inimigo voando uns 4 metros, ou um que só faz cócegas... eu nunca achei utilidade pro soco fraco.

Durante a luta, o seu Manuel do 1° andar pode ficar irritado e jogar vasos nos delinquentes, e se tiver sorte, ele acerta o cara verde e você dá um soco de graça. O objetivo é empurrar o adversário por 3 blocos até ele cair numa tampa de esgoto aberta, comemorar com uma tia com confetti em casa e repetir. Outra rara opção é a polícia passar durante a luta de vocês e decidir levar um de vocês em cana, dando vitória ao outro. Eu só não tenho certeza o que define quem a polícia leva, se é o tempo ou a stamina.

Dado os gráficos e objetivo simples, Urban Champion é tratado como um dos piores do NES, e claramente eu reconheço que ele não tem 1% de imersão que nem Mario ou Zelda, mas ainda considero ele um clássico que joguei por muito tempo e que me divertiu bastante com suas animações e efeitos sonoros satisfatórios ligados a cada soco.

Mi primerisimo primer juego. Una joyita de los 90

Not gonna lie idk how people are out here saying this is the worst Nintendo game or worst Black Box game. Feels like a proto-Nidhogg albeit much slower (and not as good), but still way more tactical than I see people say. Especially when you get into the late-game rounds (which there are a lot). I’m sure I would have been disappointed to buy this as a full-priced NES game back when it launched, but, playing this game today, I really enjoy the simple structure and combat.

While I appreciate it for being a very early fighting game, it has aged very poorly. It has some charm to it that early Nintendo games tend to have, but it gets really repetitive really fast, and is only fun for 10 minutes.

Game #10

Emphasis on reflexes, with a logic of dodging and countering. On low difficulty, it is possible to hit with the heavy blow, but later on, opponents always put their guard up to parry these shots. Not necessarily bad, but nothing really interesting.

Uno de los primeros Fighting Games en 2D de la historia, difícil pero entretenido. Lo malo es que no tiene un final tal cual, los Rounds son infinitos.

Better multiplayer than Street Fighter V