Reviews from

in the past

Obvious love letter to Lyle in Cube Sector but kind of feels like those vast and dark old screen-by-screen platformers that only seemed to live on personal computers and I love the insistence on being so literal, every thing in this game is a THING and there's as many weird emergent situations where you feel like you're getting away with a cheat as much as there are where you're getting absolutely hoisted.
Also features some kind of strange soundscape wizardry, like everything's driven by some kind of procedural synth magic and it ends up sounding like the whole game is being live-scored in a very pleasant blippy-bloopy way.
Extremely computer game.

Ein netter Puzzle-Platformer, bei dem man manchmal die notwendigen Objekte selbst aus der Welt heraussuchen muss. Ein sehr gutes Konzept, die Ausführung ist zwar solide, allerdings noch nicht herausragend.