Reviews from

in the past

Meio triste que esse foi um dos últimos lançamentos da franquia, e ainda sendo esse mid. Eu te odeio capcom!!!!!!!

It's really unfortunate Capcom was not really able to do anything meaningful with Joe after the first game because it should be a killer formula but goddamn they really botched it with shit like this and the anime.

Used to like this a ton as a kid.

Basically it's a platform fighter. Think like Subspace Emmissary from Super Smash Bros. Brawl, but it's the entire game with minigames and bosses in between levels.

It gets the job right. A fun distraction.

Full series video review:

This game is a visual nightmare, the screen is so cluttered with objects it's hard to see what's happening. The action is constantly broken up by poor mini-games that essentially are nothing more than mindless button mashing or simon says. Skip this one.

Red Hot Dumpster Fire

Would be fun if it just didn't have the janky, pace-killing minigames.