Reviews from

in the past

Really interesting themes and narrative work bogged down a bit by rudimentary VR interactions, but deserves big praise for sound design and style choices. The sensation of headsets being placed and removed is staggering the first time, and the direction shift a few jobs in really raises interest levels. Recommend for folks who can't get enough VR content, but can't quite recommend it as one's first stab at the medium.

A hilarious concept and some real fun ideas.

this is another one i forgot to log, it was VERY fun, however it's that one genre of VR game where it... i mean i suppose it's a game but it feels more like an interactive movie than anything, it was beautiful tho

Interesting concept in the game, but the game play isnt very fun.

The perfect mid level VR title, super unique and funny.

The writing, voice acting, and early gameplay were all very stale. But fortunately it does pick up near the halfway point where you’ll have to do some creative thinking to sabotage the VR world.

Most of the experience past this point is fun, but unfortunately the early slog brought down my enjoyment significantly.

The presentation is lacking with a basic art style with little detail. Everything feels like an early VR game, where just the novelty of VR could get people through the experience. But I’ve played many better games that have similar gameplay/style to be able to recommend this one.

if you've ever wanted to talk to butter this is for you

Dude this game is awesome
It's like,,, fuckin so cool
The final boss,,,, so awesome

love the physics in the game and even tho i've done everything you can do in this game, i keep coming back cause GOD I FUCKING LOVE THE PHYSICS!!