Reviews from

in the past

I've played a lot of bad wrestling games in my time - the curse of smarkdom, you see - but this is definitely the worst. I put many hours into it as a kid, and I still don't know how to perform a finisher. Not that you need to, because the dreaded Figure-Four Leg Lock will make any opponent submit in 30 seconds or less. Like WCW itself, this game is the last exhale of a dying brand. Stick to No Mercy.

I got this game for free when I bought my N64 from an online seller a few years ago and, man, this game sucks! I have played a handful of N64 wrestling games and this one barely qualifies as a wrestling game. It's like a game mode, but it's the whole game.

So sad that this garbage was the final WCW game. It's a complete joke and a downgrade compared to previous titles. Barely even qualifies as a wrestling game as there's no ring.