Reviews from

in the past

Conflicted on this a bit because I really wish it was longer. I want the other two sections on the main map please.

I think that the new direction of repeatable mini game puzzles is so fun, but I just want more.

This complaint is moot though considering the price.

I hope they continue the regular series' model as well as this score based repeatable puzzle model going forward.

Would stress out over tile game again.

Loved the game but trying to get gold on the second puzzle took years of my life

La verdad mucho más mediocre que el primero. Mucho más corto, menos lore, la ambientación no es nada inmersiva y encima el primero era gratis y este no. Gran decepción :(

the result of the game is contrary of friendship, I would recomend it to a couple who wants divorce

Really short but very fun puzzles and a great time with your friends

there must be good puzzle co-op games out there other than the portal 2 co-op. this is not one of them!

Good but short game. I played it with my friend @Kosgee. It's pretty normal for it to be a short game because this one is free. Funny anecdote: I told my ex to play this game, but she always avoided my request. Now, I'm addicted to League of Legends and drink a lot of alcohol.

Was a bit frustrating playing the ps4 version because it kept crashing on us or losing connection and some of the platforming collision is weird, but enjoyed most of it. Not as much are the mainline games though

A bite-sized version of mainline games, but the puzzles this one does have are some of the best in the series.

cute game if only i wasnt stupid

cute game, would be a lot better if it wasn't 200ms ping

I have played every We Were Here installment with the same co-op buddy. This one turns the formula on it's head by being shorter and focusing on a few key well developed games/puzzles.

We had a good time. Like that it was bite-sized and well thought out. Puzzles were fresh!

Maps and makers is more RNG than an actual puzzle. On a more serious note, the game's fun, an easy platinum trophy along with 11 golds is always welcomed to a trophy hunter like myself. I just wish my friends were willing to play this because it's actually pretty fun. But no, they play "masterpieces" like Destiny 2 and Fortnite. YUCK. At least the discord guy I was playing with was pretty nice.

O jogo é ÓTIMO, quando comparado com seus antecessores, ótimos gráficos, puzzles incriveis, sem nenhum bug em toda a gameplay. Sem dúvida um dos meus top 3 jogos para se jogar com seu amigo. O jogo é rápido, e extremamente divertido.

Sua platina leva 5 horas para ser feita, e vai te trazer boas risadas.

I'm glad I can go back and smack my head again against that stupid fog labyrinth. I don't look for replayability in this series but this experimentation with it is very nice.

Love this series and game and just way too short just way too short.

Short and sweet. Wish it was more puzzle oriented but I had a nice time with my buddy joe. The quality of these games has gone up so much since the first one its crazy.

Uma experiencia bem mais simples e mais curta
que os outros jogos, parece mais um bônus
do que o próximo jogo da franquia

Mesmo assim ainda é bem divertido, se pegar em uma boa promoção ou pra quem conseguiu pegar ele de graça,
ainda vale muito a pena

Oq separa a loucura do são, eh vc decidi platina isso daqui, dois indivíduos se deteriorando durante uma madrugada com neurônios sendo perdidos, e muitas lagrimas, comemorações e vacilo sendo feitos, eu estou satisfeito, procuro mais

seria legal, se meu amigo não fosse um degenerado burro que não sabe matematica basica

jogo extremamente divertido de jogar com um amigo

Muito lindo, como sempre os puzzles dessa serie de jogos são ótimos.

Sehr solides Coop Game. Ich freue mich auf weitere We Were Here Teile!