Reviews from

in the past

jogo extremamente divertido de jogar com um amigo

Muito lindo, como sempre os puzzles dessa serie de jogos são ótimos.

Sehr solides Coop Game. Ich freue mich auf weitere We Were Here Teile!

deberian hacer mas juegos de este tipo

I mean it's alright for a short free experience with friends, but imma be real i'm not a big puzzel game fan and this game didn't change that for me sadly. The puzzles like i said are alright but not really fun and have been done many times before.

Jogo super divertido, puzzles cativantes, ótimo co-op

A nice experiment in changing up the game and worth it for a free game.

Quality over quantity. Incredibly short, but all 3 puzzles were well made, especially the second one. Challenging but never to the point of feeling unfair or frustrating.

While short in length, it's really the only complaint I have. While the puzzles were not too hard, they were fun and endearing to mess around in and the game works as a great quick time passer, really showing off all that the team learned from their previously anthology of works. Really fun, and will definitely spend time playing this with my autistic friend some more.

Bite-sized version of the main games. It's over pretty much before it starts but for those 30 minutes I did have pretty decent time.

bom bonito e barato, bom pra quem gosta de enigmas

Eu e meu melhor amigo de infância estávamos destruindo...
Até chegar no caminho invisível do barco 💀
Ficamo com o ticket prateado mesmo.

cute game, would be a lot better if it wasn't 200ms ping

I have played every We Were Here installment with the same co-op buddy. This one turns the formula on it's head by being shorter and focusing on a few key well developed games/puzzles.

We had a good time. Like that it was bite-sized and well thought out. Puzzles were fresh!

Maps and makers is more RNG than an actual puzzle. On a more serious note, the game's fun, an easy platinum trophy along with 11 golds is always welcomed to a trophy hunter like myself. I just wish my friends were willing to play this because it's actually pretty fun. But no, they play "masterpieces" like Destiny 2 and Fortnite. YUCK. At least the discord guy I was playing with was pretty nice.

It was an okay game, a quick title to play with friends. The second puzzle however was just annoying and wasn't quick to grasp and lacked fulfillment once you eventually found out how it functioned.

Another cute little Co-Op game. It was extremely short (1,5h) but since I got it for free and had a good time I can't complain.

Fun quick game with your friends.

a fine experience, if it wasnt free i wouldnt reccomend it, but play it with a friend and its an okay time

short one with a few good puzzles. i really liked the strategy game part. fun to figure out how to do well with your friend.

Another really solid co-op experience! My buddy and I are enthralled with these games and will keep playing them if they keep making them. It was short, and there were really only 3 puzzles, but we were pretty hell bent on golding every single one. While the puzzles may not have been as good as the 4th game of the series, they were still really fun and you can tell the devs are getting better and better at making them more intricate and uniquely designed. And the fact that it was free is a huge bonus.

Surpreendentemente bom, não apresenta nada diferente de outros do mesmo gênero, mas são 4 puzzles muito divertidos e alguns caóticos de se fazer. Na primeira vez você e sua dupla vão demorar para entender, mas depois é possível finalizar os puzzles bem rápido.
Consegui pegar gratuito, então foi o famoso bom, bonito e barato

Esta bastante divertido para jugar con una amistad, dura poquito, es desafisante y si o si te va a sacar varias risas, para pasar un rato a gusto dí.

جربتها مع خويي , للاسف الخوي غبي

Als Einstieg in das "We Were Here" Franchise sicherlich ganz okay. Vom "Aha"-Effekt, bei denen Rätsel ohne großartiger Erklärung gelöst werden müssen, ist das hier allerdings wirklich an Anfänger und / oder Kinder gerichtet. Eher schwach, wenn gar uninteressant. - Hab's aber generell nicht verstanden. Ist das ein Prolog? LOL Weil wenn ja, dann hat die Spielerschaft das auch noch nicht so recht verstanden. Huch?

carolina é mt ruim. NMRL O 2 PUZZLE É MT DIFICIL