Reviews from

in the past

I say "shelved" even though I haven't touched it for 20 years.

Dumb fun wish Redmond had more lines though, he repeats himself fairly often.

"Wait till Peta heards about this"

I remember discovering this game years ago when it was included in a demo disc on the Official UK PlayStation 2 Magazine and after getting to playing it years later, it was really fun

But one thing that really bothers me for playing through the whole game is the backtracking system for collecting the seven security cards to access the final level, that made replaying the previous levels very tedious

Great humor
funny quips
decent platforming

not enough direction
the most complicated maps
copy paste areas that confuse you
little direction
no more combat upgrades after half way through

I enjoyed what I played but I was hoping it would be more fun. It does get tedious at times but the humor and concept are neat. Maybe I'll pick it back up in the future who knows but for now I'll say it's decent.

Great and fun. Humour is splendid. The metroid vania esque level design is nice.
Downsides are stupid obstacles, where you can only wait and it‘s buggyness and framerate drops.
But the aesthetic and different regions really feel like an interesting experience.

The most style-over-substance i've ever seen in a while. It's a very charming and funny game with some cool ideas, but i feel its' gameplay is really held back by the "level" design with a lot of backtracking and massive areas combined with very basic movement abilities making them boring to go through. The first time beating this game was already kinda painful and i don't even wanna imagine trying to 100% it.

hehe silly talking bunny go WHACK

Games had no politics before they said.

And this random ps2 game centered its entire appeal on watching a greedy multicorporation total capital decrease in real time as you forcefully destroy its material properties.

Oh, and seeing stuff so absurd like expensive computers causing a lesser loss than destroying a plastic trash can or a bunch of papers.