Reviews from

in the past

Playing Through My Evercade Collection Part 16: Piko Interactive Collection 2

I kind of get what they wanted here but theres absolutely no way the Mega Drive could handle the 3D effects they attempted here. What we have is six mostly similar variants of 'throwing yourself down a snowy mountain' with three of the six given to ski related activities, two to luge based events and one ice skate-race game.

There isn't really much variety in the levels themselves, the controls are stiff and unfriendly but the worst issue is the fact that everything is so slow and laggy with most events just feeling like a slog to go through despite the rather short runtimes. Graphically its a rather ugly affair and whatever music that plays is just Sierra from wish. The computer players are rather mean spirited to go up against and the whole thing just feels tired.

Again, I can see what they were going for but this wasn't the way to do it.