Reviews from

in the past

Release the second game NOW.

The stacking and destacking is a really nice touch. Back when I first heard about this I thought it was dumb but when playing it, it honestly works. So many different teams you can build.

I like how the classic Final Fantasy monsters evolve like pokemon. I just have to give this game extra points for including Bismarck bc people forget about my boy!! The previous FF character cameo's are really neat to see and the music for this game could not be better. Cute story too!

Good battle system + bad story = average.

Man, this really feels like missed potential.

As a huge FF nerd who's played all of the mainline games except 11, any type of collab game that celebrates all the games in the franchise gets me excited. There's so much potential for the crossover of characters. Dissidia Opera Omnia did an incredible job with this, having scenes that you could only dream of. A scene between Jecht and Laguna, fathers of two of the most well-known protagonists? Or hell, a scene with every dragoon in the series? This is what crossovers are meant for!

Now, I won't lambast WoFF for not doing these things... Because it can't. My problem is that the selection of FF characters is pretty scarce. You have only a handful of protagonists and some other party members from the main games. This isn't too much of an issue because the story isn't centered around them like it is in the Dissidia games, but it honestly feels like they could've gone further with their inclusion here.

I'm curious about how this game was pitched, because the end result is pretty weird. This is FF meets Pokémon in terms of gameplay, with a whacky story that seems like it was aimed more towards children or fans of very cute and childish things. The voice acting alone was very cringe-inducing at times. Bahamut sounds like a Digimon lol It was nice that a lot of the original voice actors for the FF protagonists came back for this at least. I'd be lying though if I said that none of its attempts at humor ever got a laugh out of me. The story was just serviceable for what it was.

I think the gameplay is just shy of being great. The Pokémon aspect of catching monsters from the FF universe is nothing new, but it's the stacking system that makes it shine. It really makes you think about the monsters you bring in to battle in a way that's different from most other clones of the Pikachu genre. Where it falls short though is that the combat pacing is very slow (even if you turn up ATB speed to max) and most of the time you'll be sitting there watching the icons move before the next turn. What's more is that it's pretty hard to justify trying new monsters later on in the game since your stats hugely depend on your overall team strength. With no good ways to farm most of the time, it's too tedious to try and build up a new team rather than stick to ones you've had for a while. It felt good to do Interventions and Coliseum battles. When you know the type of enemy you're gonna fight, you can actually plan around it, making it fun to strategize before a fight.

One other thing that bothered me is that some of the level design and objectives for certain missions were just annoying to deal with. No, I don't want to travel on straight path for hours while having to deal with random encounters (looking at you, Big Bridge). No, I don't want to have to fight the same boss over and over again just because it has a ton of health (It's a nice nod to the Ultima Weapon in FF7, but it simply isn't fun to play.

I honestly can't even say I really cared for the story by the time it was over. It felt very rushed while also hitting beats that have been done a million times before. A part of me almost feels like the FF characters didn't even need to be a part of it. Their element in the gameplay could've made sense as a sort of summoning since the entire game is kinda focused on the Mirages, but alas... I will probably forget this game soon enough.

Stacking mechanic is pretty novel, so is the idea of a monster catcher spin-off of Final Fantasy. The plot also apparently goes completely off the rails in late game, or so I've heard, but it sure takes it time to get there.
The game also ran horribly on Vita.

Was given this as a gift, not a game that seemed in my wheel house based on the Chibi look but I was pleasantly surprised. The Final Fantasy references certainly helped add to my enjoyment but the unique combat system was fun as well.

silly fun but random ass difficulty spikes

me parece re tierno pero no le agarré la mano y me aburrió

A refreshing take on FF. It was fun to see the contrast between this and FF15 releasing close to each other. I liked both for what they were. It would be nice to get more games in different styles like this one. Not necessarily so chibi, but at the very least different than the direction mainline FF games go in.

A little bit of a Pokemon-ish twist fits Final Fantasy well, considering all of the different types of monsters involved in the franchise.

This could have been something great but the environments are bland and the three heroes are some of the most stupidly annoying characters in all of JRPGs.

never finished but its extremely slow paced. characters are very cute tho

the combat in the first half is a bit hard to get through but the plot and more interesting depth of combat really pops off in the second half its honestly really slept on. The plot goes into a wild, interesting, mature direction I think a lot of fans were put off of trying by the art direction (which I will say grows on you)

lovely mon game with great fan service and a pretty bland mid game.

Its a really cute game! It probably could have been a little shorter but its really charming.

I really tried to like it. I really did but I just find it so boring.

The cast, especially the twins, are so uninteresting. All the cameos of FF characters are quite cool but that's it. The summoning/medal mechanic is really cool and the combat is quite fun as well. Collecting all your mirages by fulfilling conditions is a challenge but worth it.

Of course the OST is great (as expected from a Final Fantasy game), especially the remixes of old songs.

It's not a good spin-off game.

15 years old me would have LOVED this game for being chibi and filled with classic FF fanservice. Yeah, now it doesn't click as it would.

Probably one of the better Final Fantasy. This is a game if you love the series and don’t mind a light hearted romp, but there are some serious moments.

all the monster designs are awesome and the stacking mechanic is novel, i dont know if ill ever return to finish it but my time with the game was enjoyable

Final Fantasy: Cactus Stackers Edition.

Pokemon, this game is pokemon. In fact its pokemon but with an atb bar. visually it looks fantastic for the vita and is probably the best looking game on the vita, but it also runs like shit. It drops frames CONSTANTLY, even outside of combat, which makes sense considering this is a ps4 game ported to the vita. Musically its not very impressive, why they didnt use some previous ff tracks is beyond me. If they did, then i didnt hear any 7 hours into this game. Given there is some merit in trying to have your own music that i appreciate but this games music is more forgettable than every other ff game. Main characters are kinda annoying. Male lead has instant amnesia and is also the dumbest being that also has a brain. Like he's so god damn stupid that i wonder if he knows what words are. Female lead doesnt have much in the character department but she is kinda annoying too with how fast she gets mad at every little thing. The fox looks stupid as shit and the nano desu stuff has to stop in media please. Story kinda ties into why gameplay is so bad and its because characters always have to explain to the main characters why the mechanics exist and how they work. I kept getting tutorials 7 hours in and never felt like i had any real choice in my party lineup or my options that i can use. Combat is also sloooowww. In ffx, they finally got rid of the shitty atb bars for the ctb bar. The ctb bar let the game be faster but also allow for strategic gameplay. You'll be doing a whole lot of waiting in this one, and battle can be long with lots of enemies. There is a fast forward button but i think the fact that it exists proves a fault in the game. The same way that fallout has a autowalk button. While it does speed things up, the game is still pretty slow. The boss fights are fun, if you manage to get through the extremely linear areas with random encounters that will hard stop you for a couple of minutes. This game is one thats meant for the fans so i understand why they made the gameplay like this, but then whats with all the extra mechanics like imprisming, and mira jewels, and miraboards. Its strange that it has mechanics so drastically different yet still feels ancient. The fan service is lacking too, i thought i would get to summon some ff character but i got bored wayyy before you could get the chance to do so. I saw the sora dlc summon and wanted to use in for the first time in a ff game, but when will ill get to that point? I cant be bothered to play a shitty pokemon clone with ff creatures for 35+ hours when pokemon itself doesnt have fun gameplay either. I like how it looks and having voiced cutscenes but this game play like a snes rpg. The mocap in the cutscenes are also way over the top alot of times. It feels like all the progressions made throughout the main ff games are missing.

i remember being so hyped for this release because it was one of the last vita games that came out and were interesting to me :D

the game is basically pokemon but with final fantasy. you get to play as two new sibling protagonists and get to know chibified final fantasy characters from the series. the story is pretty cool but nothing too big and the new characters seem a little shallow. gameplaywise this is actually quite fun and made me even go platin the game on my vita years ago.
also a little bonus when they added sora in the game as summon. because, sadly, that is everything we get to do with the known final fantasy protagonists, we can summon them in battle and they help us fight. but the interactions between them all are really cool and amazing and make a fan heart melt. x3

in the end this game was alright to me and gave me some countless hours of entertainment. but i understand why this is not being talked about as much.

i should also add that i played the day one edition and not the maxima upgrade. i do have this on steam however so maybe one day i will revisit this ^^

It's okay it had some unique gameplay gimmicks but i only really finished it cause i own it physically and was trying to finish my ps4 physical collection i did end playing it on pc though

I wish they'd make more FF games like this

Fun visuals and a nicely nostalgic soundtrack but I couldn't get past how slow everything went, even with a fast forward button for battles (it's like they knew how poorly paced they were but couldn't think of a way to fix it), nor one of the most annoying companion the-characters I've ever seen in a video the-game.

Reading other reviews, maybe it does get better after 20 hours and the story improves but I'm not going to waste another 15 hours to get there

Totally average about four hours in. It starts off strong with some genuinely funny dialogue but once you start going through dungeons that drops off. The stacking is kind of interesting but managing your monsters is hard - I haven’t found a good way to list them by attribute? And you can only carry a very small number with you. It’s nice the game comes with some options like auto battle and fast forward and turning off random battles, but combat is still a boring slog where attacking is the best and easiest option 75% of the time.
It’s fine. It’s fine! It’s literally an average jrpg.

Honestly WAY better than I expected. The pitch made this seem fairly kid-oriented, but it's actually got some solid themes, a compelling and difficult story, and some interesting strategy. Only rating it lower because a lot of the "good stuff" is at the back-end; it can be a bit of a slog getting through the beginning.

This might be my favourite Final Fantasy, I love the back and forth between the siblings, the character designs and dialogue are top notch. The character animations are so good too, I love the unique monster catching mechanic too.

This is the only good FF game that's come out in the last 10 years.

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