Reviews from

in the past

The peak of WWE 2K's wrestling simulator approach to the franchise. One of the best wrestling video games of all time, better than all future 2K entries and sits comfortably up there with No Mercy and HCTP.

An addicting experience as sure as it’s skill level friendly where, for the most, anyone has a chance to win. The character roaster is very good of having a good mix of everyone from all eras of wrestling. You’ll gonna find a handful of people you’ll love to play the very least.
Customization is nice too!
I recommend getting this game on the cheap end to just have around whenever you have company around to have some goofy fun.

Definitely the best of the “classic” 2K era that I’ve played if you can call it that

With a really impressive roster of both legends and current stars only missing a few big NXT names, 2K19 takes the best aspects of every other game before it to make a genuinely really enjoyable experience, even Universe Mode and the story are fun

The Greatest simulation-based WWE game in the 2K series

Solid contender for 2k's best wrestling game, gameplay is smooth and the best hybrid of the sim-style of past games and the arcade-style of newer games, roster is great, the more linear story really worked for me, though short and lacking in replayability, but the unlockables were fun and the whole game itself is fantastic

Back in the day, I played WWF Smackdown! 2: Know Your Role and enjoyed it immensely. However, I haven't played a wrestling game since then. In 2019, I decided to give WWE 2K19 a try, which was the most recent wrestling game I was aware of. It turned out to be an average game for me. There was nothing particularly outstanding or terrible about it. I played it for a few days, but it didn't manage to capture my interest.

If you're into WWE, you get this, if not, probably a skip

Blow my mind
Blow my mind
Blow my mind

Hat mir deutlich besser gefallen, als die Vorgänger. Besonders der Storymode war dieses Mal gelungen und kein Grindfest. Dass man einen Großteil des Rosters entweder erst ewig freispielen oder dafür Echtgeld investieren muss, hat jetzt aber nicht sein müssen.

this was really good, after years of mid

Gradually i noticed some big problems in the universe mode and the gameplay, game becomes really predictable and the hardest difficulty is absurd, story mode is surprisingly great. Still, with its flaws, it's a solid game, played it a lot

My favorite style of wrestling game as, on a good day, can make a really believable match. However, it is plague with small bugs that can break a flow and usually it happens as more complex a match gets. [TLC, Hell in the Cell, etc.]

However, it gets a half point because Creation carries these games for me. They are some of the best ways to have a creative fighting game with in depth movesets, fully custom entrances, and loads of parts and imported images to make the actual wrestler.

Masterpiece Mechanics, one of the best WWE games of all time, even better than 2k20,22 and 23.
Showcase was decent, just love how they added Daniel Bryan’s corner combo.

All these 2K games just blend together.

jogo bem feito, divertido e muito suave, jogarei novamente, um dos meus favoritos da era do westling

Highlighted by a fun Daniel Bryan-centric showcase mode, 2K19 packs a little more punch than its predecessor.

Surpreendentemente bom porém com seus problemas.

O game consegue ser divertido e realista ao mesmo tempo, e o jogo contém uma gama de lutadores ENORME, porém o que era um obvio ponto positivo é um dos maiores tropeços do game:

Os desbloqueáveis do jogo beira o patético já quase todos precisam ser comprados com as moedas que o game te dá, PORÉM durante toda sua jornada de gameplay o jogo não te dá dinheiro suficiente nem pra comprar metade deles (Zerei todos os modos e tenho um total de 54 lutadores BLOQUEADOS simplesmente porque o jogo não dropa dinheiro suficiente pra destravar eles) (Off pro menu do jogo que consegue ser um dos mais feios da história dos jogos de lutinha de mentira).

Showcase Mode: O modo história contando a trajetória do AMERICAN DRAGON Daniel Bryan é legal mas não tem nada de absurdo (Tirando a luta vs Kane e as lutas da WM 30 tudo é meio esquecível). Não é o melhor Showcase Mode mas também não é o pior.

My Carrer Story Mode: Aqui é um dos maiores pontos do jogo. O modo em que você cria seu próprio lutador e vive a história tentando viver o sonho de infância de lutar na Wrestlemania. A historinha que gira em torno do personagem BUZZ é muito boa e bem grande, sendo um ótimo modo de prender o jogador por mais tempo. PORÉM é triste a falta de opções de customização aqui (Desde os golpes do lutador até a roupa, tudo só é desbloqueável via PACOTES DE FIGURINHA COMPRADAS COM UMA MOEDA UNICA DESTE MODO????????????????????? De novo onde há acerto no jogo tem um erro cruel junto). Outra coisa é a dificuldade de upar seu lutador e todas as habilidades dele já que o game não te dropa melhorias o suficiente.

2KTOWER Mode(?): Aqui eu nem deveria comentar já que é apenas umas lutas temáticas contra a maquina valendo uma MISÉRIA de moedas do jogo.

Universe Mode: Foi o que eu menos joguei mas não vi taaaaanta diferença do modo em si comparado com os jogos anteriores.

Apesar dos pesares o jogo consegue ser um bom simulador de luta livre tendo uma gameplay divertida mesmo pecando muito em recompensar o jogador.

(Essa capa não dá, AJ Styles incrível lutador porém MUITO FEIO FILHO).

- Modos história divertidos.
- Combate realista e divertido (até mesmo os botchs)

- Lutadores impossíveis de serem comprados com o dinheiro do jogo.
- Menu feio.

I'd seen some call this the best game in the series and I have to disagree. While it may be more simulation-oriented than 2K22 and 2K23, it feels clunky in comparison and contains multiple annoying in-match mechanics that noticeably decreased my enjoyment of the game. Kick-outs, submissions, holds, and ladder matches are all feature mini-games that range from not fun to annoying. The game also lacks a tutorial or practice mode to help the player learn and improve.

The servers are offline now, so there are no more community creations to access, and everything must be unlocked through grinding rather than the $5 accelerator that the series usually offers.

I respect that there are some wrestling fans that still prefer 2K19, but I personally find the newer games to be a significant improvement over this style.

AJ Styles is on the cover automatic 5 stars

I mainly only play this for the character customisation, I have no interest in WWE whatsoever, but creating comic book/video game characters and having them fight each other is one of the best things I've done in a 2K or sports based game... well, THE best.

A game so aggressively mediocre and so plagued by "buy more card packs so you can begin to have fun in the story mode" microtransactions that it made me quit WWE games in general.

Here's to hoping the upcoming AEW game is good.

Played it when it was free for a weekend

this unironically gavee me hope for 2k20

not bad for a game i have 400+ hours in