Reviews from

in the past

WWF Raw on SNES was THE wrestling game of my childhood! The roster was stacked with all the classic legends, the grappling system was actually fun (if a bit chaotic), and the modes like Royal Rumble were perfect for parties. Sure, it looks super dated now and has that classic jankiness, but for its time, Raw was the ultimate wrestling fan's dream game. If you're feeling nostalgic and love the old school WWF attitude, it's still a blast.

Same song and dance as Super Wrestlemania and Royal Rumble. Just with an updated roster to reflect WWF from that year. Plus new match types to supposably spice things up. Honestly I couldn't figure out how to properly play any of these games. Not surprisingly, these games are all made by LJN.

One other thing is apparently the kids back then where I lived all had this game. Weither they enjoyed it or not I wouldn't know, but this game apparently made its way to everyone's library.

Porque todo jogo antigo de luta livre envelheceu mal?

Sempre que me pego jogando algum game super antigo de luta livre eu sempre entro nessa mesma questão: "porque esses jogos eram TÃO CHATOS????"

Em WWF RAW não seria diferente. A única coisa minimamente aceitável no jogo é o roster dele (que inclue alguns lutadores únicos), só.

De resto o jogo é triste de sem graça. Os controles são péssimos, a jogabilidade é super lenta e cansativa e as mecânicas simplesmente não fazem sentido. Nem as Themes Songs dos lutadores em 8 bits (Que são muito boas) são aproveitas no jogo, já que elas só aparecem no menu de selecionar o lutador. (Nem a Royal Rumble Match do jogo é boa, sério, dava pra se esforçar um pouco mais nessa Royal Rumble Match).

WWF RAW entra pra lista dos jogos que só valem ser re-jogados pelo fator nostalgia (e olhe lá).

Were any of the of the Acclaim/LGN wrestling games worth it?

Probably not and still won't be