Reviews from

in the past

Muy divertido, me da palo escribir más

They say it's not about the destination, but the journey to reach said destination. When it comes to this particular journey, it was...alright. Having a party this time around was nice, even though I primarily stuck to using Adol or Karna. The story was alright, at least until the villains came into the picture, because they were probably one of the weakest parts of the game. Even the final boss wasn't all that interesting, with the boss before it being a lot more interesting to fight.

The big thing about this game was mapping out the forest, and it's pretty particular about how you get your percentage points, so I ended up spending time before the final dungeon rubbing Karna's face up against any surface I could throw her at to get 100% (and a Steam guide for figuring out potential spots I missed.)

One other thing that sort of disappointed me was the ending. You don't really find out what happened to Eldeel or your party members after the ending, or really anything at all. The game just sort of...ends. Ys II at least had a satisfactory conclusion, and sure, you stop the big bad, but some closure would've been nice.

I'm not saying I don't like this game. It's perfectly servicible, but a few things about it, like a lack of camera control, the fairly weak story, and eh ending, puts it directly in the 3 range, at least in my opinion.

Game has some solid music, though.

And now after like 20 years (I play games slow asf) I've beaten YS Memories of Celceta.) Bro this game isn't even as bad as people make it out to be. It's just a solid YS game. Nothing more, Nothing Less. (That final battle against **** was cool asf tho.)

J'ai absolument adoré ce jeu, les graphismes, OST et artstyle sont BEAUX comme toujours, les persos m'ont surpris car j'ai fini par adorer tous les membres du party (SPÉCIALEMENT FRIEDA MA REINE 🛐🛐🛐🛐🛐🛐🛐🛐🛐🛐🛐🛐🛐 ET KARNA AUSSI), et le gameplay BORDEEEEEEEEL C'EST TELLEMENT ADDICTIF, c'était mon premier jeu Ys avec le Seven Engine et ouah c'était une expérience extrêmement agréable... Le jeu est pas parfait, principalement car la fin du jeu est un peu bizarre et l'exploration de la carte est un peu stricte car on est censé explorer TOUTES LES LIGNES POSSIBLES DE LA CARTE ETC...

ET POURTANT... J'ai adoré le jeu tellement que je lui donne 5 étoiles quand même

My first Ys experience (I'm not counting the couple hours I spent in Origins that I found to be quite mid) and I am eager to dive into more. I enjoyed the characters, the world, and even the gameplay. I know the best is yet to come, though.

i love the part where adol says he is the memories of celceta

An overall very solid action adventure 3D beat 'em up, Memories of Celceta has the player take control of Adol (and friends) as he maps out the forest of Celceta and tries to recover his lost memories.

As you explore the forest, your map is gradually filled in (with a percentage count to track your overall progress) and you'll encounter all sorts of enemies, gathering points, villages, towns, and NPCs throughout your journey. The towns and villages all have their own quest boards and shops that periodically update, so you'll be going back to each of them often. There's a fair number of dungeons too, some of which have some cool gimmicks and are satisfying to explore.

This is my first of the proper 3D Ys games, and the combat feels pretty good. You have your standard attack button to mash, as well as a number of skills which can be mapped to the four face buttons while holding down a trigger that cost SP. Adol in particular seems to have a massive amount of skills, as I unlocked multiple even during the final dungeon. As mentioned previously, there are also a handful of other playable characters that join the party who you can also play as. Up to three at a time can be out on the field, and you can freely swap at any time. All but one of them felt pretty good to play, so I definitely did not spend the whole game just playing as the main character.

Probably the biggest disappointment for me was the boss fights. In I, II, and Origin, bosses were memorable, had unique gimmicks, and in general were pretty tough. Celceta has maybe one boss on that level. Additionally, I harped on about this in my reviews for those other three games but the magic of levelling up is gone here. Your level doesn't feel very important and I don't even remember what level I was when I finished the game.

The story itself is okay, there are definitely a couple of fascinating ideas in the back half, but overall it feels pretty standard for an action adventure game. The characters were enjoyable and the main party at least gets their own little arcs (for the most part).

Overall, I think Celceta is a pretty comfy action/adventure. It's not gunna blow you away but it is satisfying and not terribly long (I did pretty well everything I could and got ~25 hours out of it). If you are into Ys, it's worth a playthrough.

only ys game I've played but adol just like me

El juego estuvo OK, la exploración es buena y es divertido pero los bosses son super fáciles comparados a otras entregas, te los puedes pasar sin siquiera saber los patrones de ataques y tampoco hace falta ser muy cuidadoso ni nada, y eso jugando en difícil


Mejor que Touhou 4: Lotus Land Story y que Ys VIII: Lacrimosa of Dana

Bem divertido e gostoso de jogar e a exploração da floresta é bem legal (mesmo sendo um porre pegar 100%). A OST continua um absurdo, sério, é bizarro como mesmo depois de quase todos os jogos da franquia eu ainda me surpreendo com algumas músicas. Gosto muito de algumas coisas que fazem com o Adol aqui mas realmente não sou fã do character design desse jogo 😕

Gameplay: Really good
Story: It is quite good for a remake of YS IV
Music: It's a very good OST by the Falcom Sound Team JDK
Replayable: Yes
Streamed: Nope

Being from Ys I & II, it's a pretty big step forward (as I'm playing the saga in chronological order rather than release order), and I'm enjoyed it a lot!

It's a cliché amnesia story but I love how they've developed it, and at least I'm seeing some of Adol's personality (coming from an 90's game was understandable).

And oh boy, he is SASSY. I picked all of it's funny dialogue options as I see him as a characters who embodies CHAOS, and those dialogue were a great fit for him.

The huge leap from the bumping system is noticeable too, super fun also. The downside for me is that there is not any benefit in building a party as, besides the weakness system, they tend to be the same.

Now it's time to travel to Felghana to see what's next for Adol!

Nihon Falcom hit it out the park once again.

This is now my third game in the YS series with me first playing YS VIII Lacrimosa of Dana back in 2020 & YS IX Monstrum Nox back in 2021 & colour me shocked this is yet another solid entry in the franchise. While by no means my favourite Falcom title, Memories of Celceta is an absolute rollercoaster from start to end with so many great moments & a more than worthy addition to the adventures of Adol Christen.

The main premise of Memories of Celceta is that Adol has amnesia (yes I wasn’t sold myself at first) & he has to explore the island of Celceta in order to gain his memories back. While this may sound tropey at first & it absolutely is, this is far & away the best aspect of Celceta’s 20+ hour narrative. And while I will admit the story this time didn’t quite grip me as much as YS VIII or YS IX but man I’d be lying if I said Memories of Celceta doesn’t have a solid story with a really likeable cast of characters.

World building as it always is with Falcom titles is spectacular & while I definitely do prefer the Isle of Seiran from YS VIII, the island of Celceta is filled with so much intrigue & I really liked learning more about it as the game went along.

The music in this game is incredible but what else could one expect of Team jdk? They truly are unmatched in terms of creating some of the best music in gaming & Celceta is no different.

If there’s one thing in this game that stops me from giving it more than four stars, it’s the gameplay. While by no means bad, the inclusion of a fixed camera doesn’t work for me & I found myself so restricted in my movement because of this. It made a lot of enemy encounters a chore honestly & while by no means a game breaker, it was annoying nonetheless. Free movement in action games is essential for me & especially so in a franchise like YS where the gameplay is so fast paced. The combat just didn’t vibe with me this time around & that’s a shame.

Besides that though, I really enjoyed my time in Memories of Celceta. It’s one of the shortest JRPGs that I have played but that isn’t a bad thing. This game was short but sweet. Definitely worth checking out if you’re interested although if you want my recommendation just play YS VIII instead of this one, if you’re looking to get into this series that is.

This review contains spoilers

*Played this game twice, once on PS4 and another on PS5.

Ys: Memories of Celceta is a fine game with a lot flaws. Combat's the same as Ys Seven with a bit of refinement in terms of getting skill points easier and the ability to switch Adol out. Exploring Celceta was fun, though completing the map was a lot more stingy. Music is a banger and the artstyle of the character portraits were good. Though visuals look a lot blockier as it was a Vita game first, I think the game looks fine for what it is. Despite the refinements in combat, the game has a balancing problems in terms of specific characters. One of the pierce users, Karna, straight up invalidates many of enemies and bosses which make the game difficulty a joke. So good, that I didn't bother to use the other pierce user for the rest of the game. Then, there is the story. For what it is, it was pretty entertaining if nothing special (though the villains are really one-note in comparison to other Ys villains). However, it made the cardinal sin of not really having an ending to end the game with as the game simply stops all its momentum by ending at its falling action. For that, the story is probably my second least favorite behind Ys V. Despite the problems of game balancing and the story's villains and ending, the game is still a solid game though probably the weakest out the four Ys games using the three-party system. Easily recommend if coming through the newer Ys games. 4/5.

Didn't go for 100% mostly cause I couldn't be assed, but it's a good game, a really solid experience. I have a soft spot for the 3 man party games, probably because Ys 8 was my first Ys game, but even so I think it's just an excellent game.

Simplistic anime styled visuals, I quite enjoyed the in party chemistry and how for the most part besides the final party member everyone had a decent amount of time to feel like they get even some small amount of development, I also quite enjoyed the story.

Little extra after review stuff: I wish there was a whole genre of games dedicated to "zone-based" exploration. Open world games are a snore, but these games I find to be quite fun.

Not my favorite YS but not a bad game at all. Not the best version of YS IV either but it works well for what it is. The combat is about the same as you’d expect from modern YS titles so it’s a safe place to start if you’re new to the series. The humor was pretty good in this one though.

It may be the canon version of Ys IV but it sure isn't the best one. The soundtrack takes the biggest hit with tons of tracks missing and others that made it back just kind of blending together. The UI is horrendous, characters are made blander, and the story ditches the most interesting parts about connecting back to Ys 1 and 2. Even the SNES game did the story better. The quest board is stolen from Trails for some reason. I did not feel like I was playing something distinctly Ys.

Really hard to go back to this one after playing 8

Great game! I really enjoyed the mysteries in the story and how everything became clear bit by bit. The exploration was pretty decent too. I couldn't stop playing when I reached the climax of the story.

The main downside for me is that the combat feels a bit repetitive at times, but at least it's easy to avoid most enemies if you want. The boss fights are a bit disappointing compared to previous Ys games I've played (mainly Ys II and Origin). They're a lot easier and require little to no strategy, with very few exceptions. Most of the time, you can just keep dashing to avoid the boss's attacks until you find an opening to strike back. To make things worse, the bosses have a lot of HP, so it takes a bit more time than I'd like to kill them, but nothing too bad.

Overall, a solid game with good combat and exploration, plus a great story and cast of characters.

Brutal. No sólo porque es el juego en el que mejor conocemos a Adol, sino porque el cambio de jugabilidad, llevando a un grupo entero de personajes y el salto gráfico al ser un remake, le viene que ni pintado.
Btw Calilica la mejor de todos, y punto.

The game is a brand new, certified canon representation of the 4th game in the series. If you play the game in linear order rather than chronological, you are faced with a brand new engine and a new party system. Ys' strong point, world building is still here for this game. Whilst the combat is a step down from Oath and Orgins. The biggest problem I had with the game was the difficulty, being much less challenging than the predecessing games. I would recommend any veterans do push the difficulty at least one notch from the previous games (in linear order) as most of the game was spam rather than placement. Overall, a nice entry into the series and I am still looking forward to continuing the series (even with what many consider the biggest hurdle coming next).

The fourth Ys game I've completed and easily the most...bland. I played it, I had an OK time. The narrative I fully admit to skimming through to get to the gameplay. Coming off Origins I got a bit a whiplash at the writing. While I know I could just refuse to heal, the fact that you can stock up on 40 health potions trivialized every single boss fight in the game. Where origin the first run through felt like I actually had to learn boss patterns, in this game I simply had to time a dodge and spam moves, drink a potion if I goofed, rinse repeat. I imagine a year from now I'll struggle to remember anything about this game.

Mask of the Sun le gana y me la pela.

adol should've just forgotten about this one

oq to ganhando carinho com essa franquia n ta escrito

bom demais lek

coming off of ys 8 and 7, this game was pretty easy for me to play now that I got used to the dodge and parry system. Still had a blast, and beating the enemies i was clearly under leveled thanks to mechanic mastery felt very satisfying.

Coming off of Oath in Felghana and Origins my impressions of the post-90s Ys series was that they had dumb, but satisfying action combat, and lightning fast dungeon crawling. Memories of Celceta has a slightly different take on those gameplay ideas, but that take is for the worse.

The main change to the combat in Memories of Celceta is the party system. I think it's cool for Adol to have a party, that's something that I think can really benefit a JRPG from a writing perspective, and it mostly works here in that regard. However, in actual combat they really only serve to muddy the visual clarity of encounters and ensure that enemies have just more health than feels satisfying. I think the idea of having different party members use different damage types is neat, but it also leads to situations where I switch to another character mid-combat only to find out they were 20 feet away staring at a wall, so I have to walk back into the fray, completely breaking the flow of the fight.

The other big gameplay gripe I have is the lack of a jump. I don't think that every action game needs to have a jump, but the aforementioned Ys entries did, and it made combat and exploration so much more interesting. This game has a metroidvania-esque overworld map, and while it's pretty good in its own right, if there were some 3 dimensionality to it I would probably like it a lot more! Also the inclusion of an air combo system in a game without a jump is one of the most baffling things I have ever seen in an action game, it seems like they just completely misunderstood what made air combos cool in the first place.

As for the dungeon crawling, I do think they did a better job on puzzles this time around, especially the ones using every party member's special ability, but they end up being pretty labyrinthine and have more backtracking than I remember in the other games. Nothing too terrible, but that mixed with the connecting tissue between the dungeons makes for a game with less than stellar pacing.

The writing in Memories of Celceta is pretty good by Ys standards, I think. Having a full party of people to interject instead of just NPC-ass Adol standing there getting lore dumped on makes dialogues much more enjoyable. The reveals when you hit Highland actually kind of surprised me, which is the last thing I expect from an Ys game. Also love that they drop a ton of Adol backstory and it's maybe the most generic thing you could ever write for a hero character, kinda makes me like his white breadness even more.

I really fuck with the aesthetic of this game too, this early Vita, PS2-esque look really works for me. That combined with a soundtrack that has some good chill tunes in towns, and fun bangers for battles really set the vibe for me. I think the art and music definitely carried me through some of the low points here.