Reviews from

in the past


monopoly com garotas de anime


v v fun and relaxing game to play with friends

I sunk 50+ hours into this game, if you like RNG dice rolling and getting hyped easily then this is your game

One of the best party games I've ever played. The characters, the cards, the stages, the voices... Everything is cute and charming, and the gameplay, while being obviously luck based, has a bit of strategy too. As a Marc/Seagull main, this game always make me laugh with friends. On single player though... yeah, it kinda sucks but who even plays party games alone?

Mario Party but if you hate yourself and your friends

this game ruined my life
objectively phenomenally designed party game thats easy to pick up and play with either your pals or randos (with a fairly healthy and non-toxic community) and has a surprising amount of depth. has a very low skill ceiling so losing never feels that horrible. fun to fuck around in. lots of pretty girls. neat lore if youre a weirdo like me who is into that sort of thing. whats not to like.

oh fuck cuties though i hate cuties

"A Weird, Irritating, Fast-Paced And Fun As Hell Party Game"

When one of my friends recommended that I should pick this game up, I thought he was joking. The art style, gameplay, and overall vibe of the game didn't fit for me, and I was uninterested in his suggestion. However, since the title was on sale at the time, I figured at the very least, I would waste only a few dollars on something that I could try playing for a couple of hours. That was a good decision, since this is a pretty good party game!

100% Orange Juice definitely has a style that may throw off many western audiences. If you aren't really into anime, manga, or Japanese-styled video games, this title appears to be a hard sell (a reason I was skeptical at first). However, its mechanics (while not the easiest to explain at first) end up being simple to understand over time. There are bunch of characters to choose from, and a system that encourages frequent play in order to unlock new cards, characters, and cosmetic items. None of these are pay-to-win, and extra characters can be purchased as well (around $2-$3 for two). I've only played 7 hours, but I plan on sinking dozens more into this game for sure.

As for modes, there are plenty of options for Single, Cooperative, and Competitive play. The campaign isn't the best, since there is a very obvious random advantage for the CPU, but it has its moments. The newer co-op modes are hectic, and if you can manage to get a few friends together, are a tense and fun experience. This mode revolves around fighting a boss, some of which win by either killing your team outright or by surviving a determined amount of time. Lastly, the competitive mode in this game is its bread and butter. There have been so many games full of laughter, yet so many filled with frustration due to randomness gone haywire. While sometimes frustrating, it is always pretty fun to come back to, and luckily games don't drag on too long (assuming animation times are set to the fastest setting).

100% Orange Juice is a fun time. It should be a staple in anyone's library for those looking for a party game full of chaos. With the amount of customization available, as well as the multiple events that occur fairly frequently, you will find yourself coming back time and time again! The gameplay takes a bit getting used to, but it is highly worth it in the end. Overall, I Recommend this title, since it has helped scratch my itch for some good crazy party-games in a gaming industry that seems to forget about them!

Final Verdict: 7/10 (Good)

Super fun card+board game with a huge emphasis on online play. Getting a bunch of friends together gurantees to bring laughter, anger, and lots of salt Mario Party style.
Tons of character variety with their own stats and special moves (albeit locked behind DLC), and a strong community that still has on-going events.
My biggest wish is for it to gain local multiplayer, since its simple one-button gameplay would be super simple to translate into it.
Definitely get it when it goes on sale because it goes super cheap!

Some mf down there said they like noname get a load of that

I absolutely hate this game but all my friends seem to like it for some reason, so it must have some merit.

no me hacia tan mierda el RNG desde darkest dungeon

great game to play with friends i hate

videogaming online gaming we gaming

Fun but gets boring after a while

"You didn't recognize the shadow that hurt you, yet you know him so well"

Mario party with even more RNG. As a gambling maniac this game makes for great times with friends.

Eu nunca sei que nota dar para coisas

100% RNG

It's good, less toxic than most multiplayer games

coloca os mario party e os anime e bate tudo no liquidificador

é isso.