Reviews from

in the past

played oct 8th for rpgmaker october

play a vague story first. maybe patty and mr miles after that too? i havent done that one yet myself though and now im regretting not having time to have done so, and will probably rectify that asap once im done w this challenge. basically take what good things i had to say abt avs, but this time drawing more out of its main 2 characters n defining its themes a little more clearly, only losing the tiniest teensiest bit of the mysteriousness to better show a warped love's greatest smokescreen. i wish i knew what else i can say to make clear this game is easily gonna be the cream of the crop for this month, with avs following closely behind it. both were the type of games i was hoping to find out of this challenge, digging thru the freeware mines to get at least one glittering gem, and im really glad i found them thru this. and also im very sad that almost none of brownsugar's games after this one were translated, but im thankful for what i can get bc i now see how special they are.

advice for when you get to the endgame: dont take risks. know when to stop.

Weird and dramatic, I love the presentation and overall style and musical choices.
Really like how it ties into A Vague Story too.
There is a conscious choice to make the gameplay obfuscated and tedious, as you break down the game's secrets, that really acompanies the narrative.