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Somehow, I'm not really sure how, but SOMEHOW they made something EVEN WEIRDER THAN THE BASE GAME

this company named remedy entertainment keeps making bangers and showing up everyone at geoff's showcases

A very neat 2-3 hour experience with 3 episodes with 3 different protagonists, all taken from Poison Pill's Remedy's games but given a charming, campy night drama twist. It's not similar to the vanilla game in terms of atmosphere and tension, leaning a lot more into its levity, but that doesn't mean it's not bad. Environments from the base game are taken and remolded to fit whatever wacky reality is there, and they look absolutely stunning. I used the free photo mode they added at least ten times. If you like Alan Wake II, play this. Hell if you like any of Remedy's works, play this.

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cool ideas and the rose episode was very fun but this ended up feeling a little undercooked. i guess a lot of my problems with it can be written off due to the presentation being a TV show where things must happen on a set path and there is not much attention paid to being a "video game", with the abundance of ammo ensuring you never have to worry about the survival in this horror game and the puzzles being very light. despite that i still don't really understand the goal with this one as it felt like each episode (bar the first) could have used another 30-45 minutes onwards each from their ending. this especially goes for episode three which fizzles out before anything can come to fruition. since there is barely any game this time around other than occasional combat even just a few more puzzles or something would have been nice. i get that it is a lot of setup for the lake house or whatever but on it's own it's not very satisfying and the questions the DLC poses don't fill me with much enthusiasm.

i hope i'm not being lame but i really hope the third game or even the second DLC for that matter isn't too much about this multiverse stuff as i can't really say it's that interesting to delve into, already becoming a little contrived and distracting from the main story. i like the ideas about door and hope the next DLC delves into that more but can't say i care much for the remedy crossover multiverse jargon overall. needed more of scratch posed up as paddy mcaloon on steve mcqueen for this to be truly fire.

Loved it! My favorites in order:
Chapter 1 - I love our little delulu disciple Rose
Chapter 3 - The multiverses looked sick af
Chapter 2 - Found Jesse's chapter a bit lacking of maybe it was just my hate for Coffee World lol

Pretty short but you can see they had so much fun making this expansion.

Sorprendente, para mal o para bien, expansion donde nos encontramos 3 episodios englobados dentro del show Night Springs del universo de Alan Wake.

Esto quiere decir muchas cosas, entre ellas que lo que estamos viendo no es necesariamente algo que pase dentro de ese mundo, sino dentro de la serie antologica estilo The Twilight Zone de ese mundo. Para los que no lo sepan, el escritor Alan Wake antes de hacerse famoso escribio guiones para esa serie y aqui estamos viendo 3 de ellos. La cosa es que en el universo de Alan Wake la ficcion y la realidad esta separada por una barrera muy fina, y encontramos ecos entre ambas al igual que ya vimos en el juego American Nightmare.

Si jugasteis este ultimo os podeis imaginar de que va esto, un tono mas desenfadado, mas jugueton... y esto puede pillar a alguno bastante descolocado. A mi mismo me ha sorprendido bastante porque esperaba totalmente otra cosa, mas cercano al titulo base, lo cual me tenia con unas expectativas muy altas.

En lo personal creo que los capitulos son algo irregulares, con uno bastante entretenido, otro mas flojo y otro muy bueno. Tengo entendido que estaban planeados 4 pero con la muerte del actor que daba voz a Casey se ha quedado colgado eso.

Muy entretenida expansion, aunque ahora paso esas grandes expectativas a la proxima para que ofrezca una experiencia mas en la linea del juego original.

holy fuck this was so good i dont even know what to say

ep1 was super fun and charming, ep2 was atmospheric and intriguing, and ep 3..... that was something else

who would have guessed that my favorite game ever would continue to be incredible?

I knew based on the title that it would be something similar to American Nightmare and I was pleasantly surprised by how amazing it was. Having 3 playable characters all with unique gimmicks made this a lot more refreshing and I cannot wait for when the actual story DLC releases.

Sam Lake absolutely cooked with this

Short but fun dlc comprised of three unconnected short starring three characters from the series.

Episode 1: Number One Fan
This is the dumbest episode of the three, in a good way. It follows Rose saving Alan the Writer from his semi-evil werewolf twin brother and his legion of haters. This episode is pretty much comprised solely of combat sequences, but that's not necessarily a bad thing. The entire episode (and entire dlc for that matter) is very self aware about how incredibly dumb it is (12 gauge pump action fully automatic shotgun). The episode has a fitting bright pink color palette to add to this. Overall I quite liked this episode.

Episode 2: North Star
This episode stars Jesse Faden from Control as she looks for her brother in Coffee World from the main game. This episode is just like one big fetch quest. You go to one area learn you need some information that you can find in some other area of the park. You don't actually need to look for anything by yourself you either just follow Polaris or talk to Sheriff Breaker It's very tedious and they don't do that much with Jesse to make it interesting.

Episode 3: Time Breaker
This episode follows Sheriff Tim Breaker Shawn Ashmore who is acting in a new game by Poison Pill Entertainment, but finds out that the game he's acting is real and embarks on a journey through the multiverse to stop Master of the Many Worlds, Door. This episode has the most story relevant to the "Remedy Connected Universe." It's also probably the hardest episode in the dlc, but that's not saying too much. I do like the twists the game pulls later in the episode, but I won't spoil them.

My ranking of the episodes:
1. Episode 3
2. Episode 1
3. Episode 2

I’m biased af and will highly rate any Remedy project but this is basically Alan Wake’s American Nightmare but with good pacing and more weirdness.

Sam Lake you have to stop. You Finnish too tough. Your connected universe too different. Your theories are too bad. They’ll kill you.


Eu estou okay com você Jesse

Ah, oi Tim.

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Pretty good classic remedy stuff, save for being a bit on the short side. Episode 2 is a bit weaker than the rest, it doesn't fully utilize Jesse in the way that episode 1 embodies Rose's delulu completely, or the way that episode 3 turns into an epilogue to quantum break. It still has its moments though. What stings is how an episode 4 based on Casey likely got cut due to James McCaffrey's passing.

Первые две главы неплохой и забавный фансервис, но третья глава показывает, что Сэм Лейк готов выдать бенгер с концепцией мультивселенной в играх, жду.

I had 324 shots in my shotgun at one point :). It's a deep look into how Sam Lake conceptualizes characters and story beats, with such a fun twist on the base game's dissection of writing. Just wished it had more fun mechanically (Besides Episode 3...)

It was overall fun, but I thought giving so much ammo and stuff was a bit lame for all but the first mission, the first was so good lol

What a fun little addition to the base game, fun stories with fun characters, cool references, and inventive ideas. I will say there was clearly repurposed and reused assets all over this, feeling more like a mini-collage of ideas that Remedy had but couldn't manifest put into more of a mini-series of addon stories to the main game that exist outside (and inside?) the reality of Alan Wake and Remedy's multiverse.

Overall fun time, really goofy mini-dlc, just wished there was a bit more to chew on here.

Gran expansión que incluye grandes referencias a los fans del Remedyverso, sin duda una experiencia que aunque corta es bastante entretenida. Esperando con ansias la segunda expansión.

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3 tv episode length stories, covering a range of tones, funny, creepy and lore.

Each of them works well, although the creepy one doesn't really live up to the base game.

It left me very excited for the last bit of DLC and future games.

Wow, I'm incredibly impressed with what they did here. I was so excited when it got revealed during the Summer Game Fest, and the trailer looked exactly what I had imagined a Night Springs expansion to be about. And I can vouch for this DLC being even weirder and stranger than the base game.
The first and second chapters were pretty good, but the best is the third one by far. I won't spoil much of it, but I got an itch to play some of the Remedy games I still haven't come around to playing yet.

Perfect DLC for a perfect game! All 3 episodes were well written (especially episode 3) and had interesting gameplay changes to shake things up.

A fun little bite sized DLC containing 3 different stories. All 3 stories are fun, challenging and short, enough to fill any Alan Wake craving you might have until the release of the next DLC. My score for Night Springs is a 9/10.

One of the most creative pieces of media I have played so far this year, a bit size experience to keep you entertained until the next DLC. Sam Lake and CO I can’t believe you guys did it again