Reviews from

in the past

Calm before the storm of the maid cat

i wasted hours in this game because a friend from middle school told me that if you used animal crossing plaza enough it'd unlock into a new animal crossing game for the wii u

why did they take it offline it was nice to look at

This makes me upset, for two reasons. One, these teased HD Animal Crossing on the Wii U and did nothing with it till the switch(Which is at least explainable since New Leaf on 3DS); and two, THEY COULD HAVE ADDED COSTOM PLAZAS TO THE WII U HOME SCREEN. This was for all intensive purposes, a really cool and specific skin for the Wii U plaza home screen area, but instead of allowing us to customize said screen with different plazas they made this a separate app. I am very sad over this Nintendo...

This was crazy for one reason and one reason only, putting animal crossing in a direct made people loose it because people expect new animal crossing on new hardware. But all they gave us was this. It was mortifying and one of the greatest stunts they ever pulled

Still better than New Horizons.

It was a neat time waster than really shouldn't have needed online to function. Now with online gone, this little fun piece of a screen saver is no longer with us

The novelty of seeing all my favorite villagers together wore off very quickly. There's not enough here to make it the kind of social platform thing it was trying to be, there's just so little to it.