Reviews from

in the past

Meant a lot to me as a depressed teen by being a game that depicted depression with a lot of kindness and warmth. I wanna replay it bad.

Zum ersten Mal nicht knuffig, goldig, sorgenfrei, sondern bittersweetness.
Gerade im Kontrast zu den Vorgängern kommt der Übergang zur leichten Tristheit super gut.
Und dennoch passend.
Wie immer gepaart mit top OST und perfekten Artstyle

I think I'm pretty lenient on this game because Hidari is the designer and I'm a real fucking sucker for his art, but, honestly, it wasn't a big deal, a nice experience but it wasn't mindbreaking or anything
Just a chill game

"There are so many things I don't understand, but I have to get started!"

The Dusk Trilogy begins dripping in fantastical wonder. A young girl named Ayesha goes on an adventure to solve the mystery of her sister who was spirited away. Presumed to be dead, Ayesha only has her will, and those who believe in her to find her before it is too late. In standard Atelier fashion, this game is a mix of two key components. You are tasked with adventuring, and producing useful items through the power that is alchemy. Unlike many other Atelier stories, this game's time limit is built upon a very serious, and driving force. With the backdrop of the mystical dark fantasy world all around you, Ayesha gives off the presentation of a far more investing narrative. However, all the classic tropes of comfortable characters, and silly hijinks remain between the key story moments. It creates a balance between a serene yet terrifying world behind the veil and just that same old everyday slapstick goodness that makes the series so charming. Like the majority of the franchise, the star of the show is the main cast though. The reason anyone loves these games generally comes down to the lovable characters, all with their own sense of flair and worthwhile storylines to pursue. It allows you to craft an experience that is all your own. The harmony of implementing a timed calendar system to create tension, yet allowing players freedom of choice on how they spend it. While this could be a stressful idea to some, I find it one of the greatest skills of the franchise. Weight to your decisions allows a massive amount of gratification as progression naturally occurs through playtime. This makes it feel like yours, and yours alone. And when I traveled through the mysterious world of Ayesha, solving the conundrums before me, laughing with my friends, basking in the gorgeous score, and finally seeing it all through to the end, I came out with a satisfaction. A blissful sentiment of happiness and fulfillment.

We hereby award: The Silver Seal of Merit

This game is far greater than the sum of its parts.