Reviews from

in the past

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It's been a good few years since I played this game, but I remember it being so much fun. You're playing a god, but the game let's you choose if you want to be a good or a bad one. I used to crush my people with mountains, burn them alive as sacrifices, feed them to my godly beast, make them wither away by praying to me so I can crush the other nation. Being good is fun too but being evil just hits different.

There is a lot to be said about this game and even though I haven't played it in 10 years or so, I can still remember it in great detail. It is not a perfect game, there are issues here and there that I don't really want to get into because I find that the positive aspects overshadow the negative ones.
First of all, I love the way they got rid of icons and bars on the screen. The whole game is being controlled by gestures, you can wiggle your mouse, pull, grab and point to make changes in the environment, navigate around or build. They did an amazing job implementing that, making the game feel very immersive.
The villagers are cute and I love to pick them up just to look at them. You can assign them different jobs to raise the quality of life within your city and depending on what buildings you build and how you treat your villagers, they either pray to you in admiration or fear.
You can use Wonders that you unlock to benefit your people or destroy your enemies. I gotta admit, I enjoyed throwing a fire ball at the neighbouring city way too much.
Another cool aspect is that you get to raise a pet, they will help you care for your people and if someone looks at you funny, you can feed them to your pet to teach them a lesson.
It's all very silly and in good fun but it still has semi deep aspects about morality and it definitely is a good idea to choose a side, rather than playing in between.
All in all, this game had a lot of influence on me as a child and I find it such a special experience, no matter where I go, I'll always remember that time I was a god.

Never finished, way too hard XD

Loved this game when I was younger, I hope it gets a GOG or Steam release one day!

No jugue el dlc, no creo que lo jugaria, el sistema de compra de milagros es una mierda, lo unico bueno el es sistema de rts que se inventaron con los ejercitos.

My contender for the worst sequel ever made.

The first game clairvoyant interface was dropped in favour of run of the mill menus. All the magic was taken out of the experience - you are now buying buildings and spells out of a catalogue with prayer currency.

Your beast's behaviour can simply be modified and programmed with numeric scales. Far more mechanic and cold than the prior animalistic AI.

There are no other gods in this game, at least not that I've seen.
You fight human generals but they still a beast for some reason.

They took all the charm out.

Before Peter Molyneux, well, you know the rest of the story

Look, I am above all a pacifist, who's to say that my wolfboy's tendencies to throw boulders at your living quarters aren't altruistic in nature? Perhaps it's his way of artistic expression? Besides, can a lowly peasant comprehend the will of a god? Didn't think so.

Definitely less of an experiment than the original game, the systems are not as deep, but of course a lot more stable of an experience.
The new elements, like the military and the deeper city building, help bridge this gap. Recommended, i played it more than the first one!

"Will you play a BAD unfinished RTS game or be a GOOD daddy and grow a bonsai garden while you're at it?" -PetterMolydeux quote in the readme, where he brags about how much takeout he & Ronald Miller ate inbetween lying in press interviews or over @ yes indeed this is my favorite "EA" (electronic arts?) title, available for a low low price blieve it or not kickstarter backers of Godus. one would presume that these HandOfGod spanking-the-monkey games prominently featuring "xboxhueg humanoid animals" who tend to poop a lot (UhOh!!!) would have a bigger following&community and one as Lovely&Vibrant as your average prestigious nintendo franchise, but alas.....instead it's just a modest amount of PeeCee gamers hailing mainly from yurop-land as far as the All-Seeing Eye can see, and largely ""wh0les0me"" (i cannot explain to u where MySon comw from yet, u need to be older, atleast 6yrs,twas not "an immaculate divine event" many Solari crystals were spent in order to accomplish and do the deed...)

Ps:where is the skirmish&multiplayer patch...? is it behindthis demondoor in Fable:theLostChapters, PETER????
pps: this is a twostar game at best but im not rating it that, I make Da Rules here, it's not midnight it's 7am goback2work "wagie" I moved theSun with mah hand (can You do that in your favorite game for the nintendo DualScreen...?)