Reviews from

in the past

put so many hours into it in high school. a staple for the bus rides home

Played this long time ago in class

O jogo é bom mas a arte envelheceu mau

Once thought to be the perfect bloons game, still holds up pretty well. And for the longest time, this really was perfect and I didn't see how it could ever get better. (also damn bloonchipper really was OP)

I admittedly haven't had enough experience with 6, but for now I can say with fair confidence that Bloons TD5 is the crown jewel of the whole series. Utterly blowing the tacky and clunky 4 out of the water entirely, Returning to the more cartoonish aesthetics of 3, this game seems to have the perfect roster of towers and infinite replay value through its bountiful challenges and insane breadth of difficulty options.

quite possibly the best in the series, and is still updated to this day even with bloons td6 being a thing.

I feel validated in knowing ppl unironically love this series.

Eu não acho que tenha motivo para se jogar mais, não porque o jogo é mau, mas porque o 6 é melhor em todos os sentidos

Um dos melhores jogos de navegadores que haviam.

Fun, frantic, and overall addicting this game manages to be deep while also being simple enough to pick up and play

It's a satisfying and fun one of these

One of the better ones of the series, as it benefits from a most likely larger budget and more development work. Enjoyed this in 10th grade Environmental Sciences.

BTD will never top this entry, the challenge mode is addicting

many an hour was spent on this game

bloons esteve ao meu lado quando ninguém mais esteve