Reviews from

in the past

Average campaign, but some of the best multiplayer in any COD

I actually enjoyed the singleplayer. People probably play these on medium difficulty and just run through. While on extra hard it gets actually challenging and interesting

I'm not going to lie, I think this is a game I could not appreciate at the time. This felt stagnant to me after loving MW3, but if I got something like this after, say Infinite Warfare, I think I would have loved it.

worth for zombies/multiplayer alone, although i've heard the campaign's pretty good

Me as a fucking loser middle schooler grinding this was such a vibe.

always had a ton of fun with this one also why the fuck is jimmy kimmel here

fun multiplayer but not as memorable as some titles prior

once again, four stars for zombies. the multiplayer was always a fun time too tho. im so nostalgic for these morally bankrupt games...

the last CoD in the golden age, safe to say they went out on a high note

Most daring and innovate cod to date.

Multiple endings in the campaign with multiple factors dictating how the story plays out.

Many massive changes to zombies that didn't always pan out, but resulted in some of the most celebrated maps ever.

And the most competitively beloved and cohesive multiplayer in the series.

It's exciting that this is the supposed blueprint to the upcoming cold war.

The beginning of the end, as COD begins to show it's first steps of "Halo-ization" as the guns and timelines start to go further and further into the future.

Have to say though, the 1980s storyline with Mason & Woods is fan-fucking-tastic and just as good as the original Black Ops storyline. Menendez is a better villain than Dragovich, but both pale to Makarov and Zakahev.

It's all downhill from here, I fear.

definitely the hardest COD has ever tried with it's campaign

I never truly played a COD game on a console until I played this on XBOX 360, when I first got my XBOX. This game was perfect from its well told campaign, its surprisingly fun multiplayer and its amazing Zombies mode. I honestly one of those gamers who play for Zombies more than the other modes, and it wasn't disappointing from its launch to the final DLC pack. This was back when COD was awesome, a must have for fans of the franchise.

It's a shame now when you play online, it has become a cesspool of hackers and modders who ruin the experience.

average campaign but fire ass multiplayer and lets be real thats all we are here for

I spend like 1000 hours playing this online with my cousin

The only good BO game besides the first one. Zombies was disappointing with Tranzit/Die Rise but got significantly better with Mob of the Dead and Origins. Great campaign/multiplayer.

local hardpoint 4 teams w/ bots on hijacked for life

i mean sgt woods was a great character but no need to show me the future jus to milk every single dolla out of the franshichse fuck thsihtfr

the only memorable thing about this game was its zombie maps

Call of duty has it all figured out. Does everything it wants to do

A surprisingly solid campaign with an atrocious multiplayer.

The multiplayer dosen't beat nintendoland but it's pretty good

I only played this game for Multiplayer and Zombies, and found both modes very engaging.

The last great COD game until Modern Warfare (2019).

I don't even remember this one

Over complicated the zombies mode and ruined it