Reviews from

in the past

Riding the coattails of Naughty Dog's original trilogy, still kinda fun but if you want a game like this just play any of the original 3

Vividly remember holding a controller that was not plugged in while my sister played the game. Later went back and concluded that it was a Crash game not really worth discussing on its own, only in the context of other Crash games.

fuck you crash
you fucking suck

Genuinely liked this game, not as much as warped, but around as much as the first crash. Loved the plane levels and loved the tsunami level, remember liking the boss battles too, but I just really liked Crash as a kid.

Not impressive but isn't a garbage fire like some make it out to be

Even if it got the time and money needed to properly polish it, I still don't think I would've liked it. There's maybe five or six levels that are full, uninterrupted Crash Bandicoot levels that don't shoehorn in some godawful vehicle segment or make you play as a character with less abilities. The game is constantly going out of its way to present a new horrendous gimmick section that long overstays its welcome and is a pain in the ass to control, especially with there being THREE fucking submarine levels.

Even the traditional levels (when there actually are any) aren't that great. Most of Crash's animations feel like they're 20% slower than supposed to be, especially with how floaty the jumping is. The stages are also way too wide, allowing you to just casually walk past most of the enemies. Climbing across ceilings is also comically slower.

The lack of unique upgrades is disappointing as well. In an ideal world it could've been a Banjo Tooie situation where you start off with all the Crash 3 moves and unlock new abilities on top of that, but that's not the case. Aside from the sneaking shoes you just re-unlock all the Crash 3 abilities again because ???????

Very disappointing game from several angles.

childhood game. liked it back then. often hear it's terrible so i'm gonna need to run it back soon

Don't really get all the hate for this game, like, I despise the water levels, sure, but the world design is pretty neat and hub arrangement is practical and cool.

lol jumping in this game gives me serotonin. one of those games you played as a kid and only remember the first chapter :D

jogo estranho, ele consegue ser apenas CHATO, inexpressivo, nem é um Spyro Enter the Dragonfly da vida pra ter memes sobre (ah, mas pelo menos trouxe o Crunch <3 )

Not as good as the Naughty Dog games.

I think this was the first crash game I played. Although it received some really bad reception, it still holds a special place in my heart. Not the best crash though.

A perfectly forgettable game with some unforgettably bad load times. Quite the disappointment to me back in its day, but now it doesn't even make the top 25.

Solid game, fairly easy, gets too much hate.

Everything that made Warped bad but amplified. Bad graphics, long loading times and tons of stupid gimmick levels make this an awful experience. Just play the original 3 and CTR and forget the rest of the series even exists.

A severe lack of polish hurts what could have been a decent Crash entry.

Imagine you get the new crash game only for you realize it plays at its worst on the sony console.

A real mixed bag. There are some really fun and cool levels but also a handful of pretty frustrating ones, as well as the bosses being pretty un-fun.

It's just kinda here. Everything feels so shoddily slapped together. There's some fun ideas and levels in here, but there's also some genuinely bad level design elements that are a headache to deal with.

Overall, it's just kinda here, not a great game, but not bad either.

nostalgia is a very powerful thing. on one hand, it can be used to further enhance our favorite games by associating fond memories to them during our formative years. maybe they were there for you during a hard period of your life or even helped form a powerful bond with another person. on the other hand, it can cloud your better judgement and warp your perception on things you may not enjoy otherwise. not that there's anything inherently wrong with that, but it is something to keep in mind when critiquing your favorite forms of art. before this month my only experience with crash bandicoot consisted of scattered sessions of the wrath of cortex as a child, and if you asked me how i felt about the game i would have nothing but positive to say about it. i recently decided i would marathon every major crash game in preparation for the newly released crash bandicoot 4: it's about time, and it was a rather enlightening experience. it wasn't without it's bumps in the road, but the highs of the ps1 trilogy were that of pure platforming bliss. my journey was not over however, one game remained. let's just say nostalgia could only assist me so much here. if i could be totally honest for a second, my experience with this game wasn't totally awful, in fact there were some genuinely great things in here. the level variety was top notch, and the music was spectacular all the way through (i might go as far as to say this game has the best soundtrack in the series up to this point) and some of the crash levels were genuinely great. but past that, there isn't much good to pull from this game. traveler's tales was allegedly put under intense crunch to complete this game and it's clear in the final product. major structural notes were clearly taken from crash bandicoot warped when assembling this game, but instead of refining the solo crash levels, they put an insane amount of time and energy into the gimmicky vehicle sections. i didn't outwardly dislike those sections in warped, probably due to their scarcity compared to standard levels, but in this game it feels so schizophrenic in its structure. all the time the game is throwing something new at the player and seeing if it sticks (whether that be a ball rolling level, a car level, a plane level, etc.) and this really creates two major issues. for one, it's likely none of these sections will have time to blossom into something worthwhile or stick to its players in any meaningful way. secondly, it runs the risk of taking space away from the standard crash levels. of course, the game ends up suffering from both of these. everything simply feels half baked in the wrath of cortex. from the visuals, to the gameplay, to the enemies, nothing feels quite right. the developers clearly loved a lot about warped, but they didn't have the time or resources to fix its flaws or learn from its mistakes. i couldn't think of a more flaccid way to end this era of crash. quite frankly i was on autopilot for most of this experience, and i can't see myself returning to it in the future.

About as middle of the road as Crash gets. I think he controls wonderfully here, arguably maybe a little better than even Crash 4, and when the game is pure unadulterated platforming, it has its moments. But there are way too many vehicle segments, a lot of which are genuinely awful, and even some of the regular platforming levels have issues, such as enemy placement. It's so easy to just walk around enemies whereas in other Crash games you kinda have to deal with them.
Nonetheless it's 10 bucks on the Xbox 360 store and there are worse ways to spend a tenner.

That damn water level final boss, it took me years to get over it. After that, easy peasy.

Decent levels, plastic graphics, great music somecases and great actors. The boss is quite repetitive but doesnt make the game TOO BAD.

The only Crash game I ever played for more than a few minutes. Noooooo idea how good/bad it is.

Who in the hell thought that adding more gimmick levels, making the level design of the normal levels weaker and making the controls floatier was a good idea? Good music and some levels are good. Can't think much more to praise.

The most average game I’ve played. Average level design, and average graphics.

Overall, it’s just as average games can be. 6.5/10, 3.5/5

The first Crash I played. Nostalgic af :')