Reviews from

in the past

Incredibly fun arcade title that has tons of extras added in the home versions. Fun to play in bursts, but when you play it's great fun to pass the time.

Época em que taxista podia fazer tudo a menos que o tempo limite do passageiro não acabe.

It's absurd that re-releases of this game don't have the original soundtrack. Sega should just own The Offspring.

I remember playing this a few times in the arcade and the Dreamcast port is as good as it gets

The arcade classic is just as fun on consoles, with just enough mechanical complexity to reward dedicated players without becoming intimidating. The soundtrack is really good too.

this game genuinely ruined my taste in music as a child

7th in the world in crazy box speedruns baybee

remember getting this game out of a cereal box

Hit credits after a half hour this time so I guess that counts for a log?? As good as Tetris to me.

Simply can't not like Crazy Taxi.

Really makes you FEEL like a crazy taxi.

Anyone who doesn't give this 5 stars clearly didn't play the version with the original soundtrack.

I LOVE this but only for like 5mins at a time.

sega could make an arcade game about building furniture and it'd be fun

i used to try and park in this game as a kid

First time playing and I understand that it’s considered a classic for some. Teenage-me would’ve vibed hard with the soundtrack, but gameplay wise I was having a bit of a rough time getting used to to braking and acceleration, but later found out that I made the controls harder on myself by selecting a particular driver. Good fun, not for more than 10-15 mins at once.

(Chosen from backlog using a random number generator)

I'm not good at this game and I have not been in the several years that I've played it but it's fun regardless.

CRRRRRRRAZY TAXIIIIIIII! played in ireland, had so much fun i forgot i had lice.

Come on, everybody likes this one

Been playing this game nearly as long as I've been alive. Straightforward, juicy, and playable on nearly every electronic you own, it's the perfect game to kill a short amount of time or sit with for hours.

O apelo principal é a trilha feita pelo The Offspring, mas a versão portada do Arcade para o Xbox 360 não me deu esse prazer.

OK...yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah!

Day after day, your home life's a wreck
The powers that be, just breathe down your neck
You get no respect, you get no relief
You gotta speak up and yell out your piece
So back off your rules, back off your jive
'Cause I'm sick of not living to stay alive
Leave me alone, not asking a lot
I don't wanna be controlled
It's all I want, it's all I want
It's all I want, it's all I want
Yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah!