Reviews from

in the past

Full review on my website:

''The goal of Cybarian: The Time Travelling Warrior was to be an arcade-like game inspired by old-school platformers and beat-m-ups, and I’d say they’ve done a fairly good job at it. The difficulty is deliberately set to be an arcade-like experience, but I personally found it to be perfectly manageable overall due to later abilities slightly ruining the otherwise fine timing-based combat. I had fun going through the stages because they offered something new with every new area, but my main issue with them is a problem I have with the game in general: it’s far too short, and also a bit too simplistic. The game can easily be beaten in less than an hour, and while I certainly had fun and craved for more, I’m of the opinion that this game is too short. There’s a lot of potential for a good, or even great game here, but most of it doesn’t reach the potential it could have become.''

With scanlines it really felt like a Sega Genesis game, with minimal story. Back to the childhood. Rather easy to beat though, you only really get hit by surprises and traps.
Stage 2 was particularly egregious to hitless, between the motorbike, the bugged spring and the third phase of the boss there. Resorted to skip all those with the ingame cheat that gives you all skils.

Full Review + Trophy Review and Tips Below (Easy Platinum)

Played on PS VITA. This was the fist Ratalaika game I almost gave a 3 star score, it was so close. This feels like a fully realized game that includes action, platforming and boss fights with phases that need to be mastered. This is one I would recommend playing.

Difficulty: 3/10
Time: 60 Minutes
Trophy Guide: I would recommend a glance
Trophy List Score: 7/10

This gets an extra point because it's a better game than most and the trophy list does has a nice level of challenge to it. You will need to beat the first two bosses and arrive at the third. You will get trophies for beating different enemies and earning coins/hearts. Last trophy will be playing the first level on hard and beating the 1st boss.

Happy Trophy Hunting!