Reviews from

in the past

We really were the Cyberdimension Neptunia: 4 Goddesses Online, huh?


It was fun enough I suppose - Uni is an absolute killing machine, and this makes me happy - but it lacks the humour that drew me into the series in the first place, and that's very disappointing. I suppose it could have been worse, though.

I enjoy this one a good amount

This is, in my opinion, one of the last good spin-offs the Neptunia series has seen before everything really went downhill. It's the last Neptunia spin-off until the release of Sisters vs. Sisters that takes place in (or heavily implies it) the canonical world of the Neptunia series.

The gameplay in this game is a very huge improvement to what was seen in MegaTagmension. Stages are a lot more open than they were in the previous game, as well as the combat itself being far, far more fluid and fast-paced. I think with this they finally nailed on the head the type of hack & slash spin-off Neptunia games should be.

I've dabbled with the game a few times since completing it all the way back in 2018 and have found myself enjoying the game, but it's not something I'd actively revisit.

Get it if you're a Neptunia fan looking for a true callback to the "good old days", if you will.

Oh and don't bother with the online play. Not worth it.

Como gran fan de la saga (de forma no irónica), solo puedo decir que tristemente no solo fue el último buen spinoff de Neptunia, fue el último buen juego de toda la saga...
Ahora el combate es un jrpg de acción combinado con elementos de MMORPG, no como los spinoffs musou, este si tiene un sistema de combate un poco mas decente (aunque no bueno)

La historia es simple, pero no está mal, ya que la trama va de que las CPUs están jugando un nuevo MMORPG (es decir, un juego donde los personajes están jugando un juego). Tiene villanos interesantes y no reutiliza tantos assets ni mazmorras como los anteriores juegos de neptunia. El presupuesto para este juego se nota que fue mas alto que los de PSVITA/

Aun así tiene cosas malas como todos los de la saga... La optimización, como cualquier juego de Compa/IFY, es basura, tantos bugs (el último boss se me bugeo, se quedaba ahí parado sin hacer nada) y el combate está roto porque puedes elegir un personaje mago y spamear tus ataques a distancia y puedes derrotar a cualquier boss así.

Solo espero que Sisters vs Sisters se convierta en un gran juego cuando salga en occidente.

EDIT: Estaba pasando esta review del inglés al español y puedo confirmar que por suerte Sisters Vs Sisters fue un muy buen juego, algo que llevábamos esperando años por parte de la saga. Actualmente considero a SvsS como el mejor spinoff y juego reciente de la saga. Traere su review dentro de unos años cuando le haga el 100%

- roughly 10 hrs to reach a fake ending

This game is very mindless and very tedious. Probably not "great" and hard to recommend to a lot of people but if you're like me and you use it as an excuse to tune out the world and listen to podcasts then it's worth trying.

honestly a great "mindlessly gonna play this and enjoy it" type game. I also really love some of the songs

a typical anime game. lastation ftw

This is my first time playing a neptunia game and I really hated it. The game was boring and everyone was super cringey. It also keeps sexualizing characters that look way too young.

I feel like this game could've been better. It has some ideas that they seem to just stop short with.

nep combat baby the twin sister samurais are the shit

esse jogo me faz amar neptunia, eu não sabia que hack n slash era tao divertido, e esse jogo é inexplicavelmente mt bom, eu não sei porque, mas eu fiquei horas e horas direto nisso só jogando e jogando, mt bom

I know nothing about this franchise, so I may be missing the whole point to this. However, my relationship with this game is interesting,

In short, I just got a PS4 for Christmas last year, and I had a Playstation Store gift card. I had 5 bucks left in my balance and a hole burning in my pocket. Sure it looked like degenerate weeb shit, but it looked like fun degenerate weeb shit.

I finally worked up the nerve to play this game 10 months later, and it's meh. The combat itself is mediocre if not very floaty. Given this is partially a subjective thing as I hate really floaty combat, but the game's combat and everything's weightlessness really bugged me.

I swear I was seeing frame skips on this game, which is funny for a game that looks serviceable at best with some character models that are woefully oversaturated.

Honestly, I'd probably continue this game due to the fact I can deal with all of my gripes above, but I underestimated how much this game would make me wanna enter a cringe-induced coma. It really doesn't help I know very little about the Neptunia franchise as a whole, but what I was expecting to be comedy for the wrong reasons ended up just making me wanna die a gruesome death.

6/10 - Serviceable, but filtered bc weeb shit

just play uni and mash square until the credits roll, nothing else beyond that.

Decente, terceiro melhor spin off de Neptunia

funny little spinoff, i seem to be the only person ever that actually likes this game.

The girls are super cute and likeable. The story premise is fun too with the whole MMO thing. The gameplay itself wasn't great and felt unoptimized and rough. But if you don't take it too seriously it can be a really fun experience.

I loved this entry into the Neptunia series, the combat was really fun and a breath of fresh air from the exact same combat system used ever since mkII. Would love if they revisited this style of combat in the future.

100%'d it twice now, pretty enjoyable little game. Not really a Neptunia I say "You gotta play this" to new fans but If you already like the series like I do why not?