Reviews from

in the past

This was the final game Micronics worked on for the console and it's impressive even in 1993 they were still doing a poor job at making games. I don't get it, the first one was good so how they somehow made everything worse is beyond me. The game performs worse and the music is horrible and its even got bad shmup sections. Seriously I thought Kaizou Choujin Shubibinman 2: Atanaru Teki had bad shmup sections but this somehow was even worse then those. I'd argue this is even worse then the 3rd Kid Niki game because at least that wasn't just copying the 2nd game. Just don't bother with this one. I hate Micronics so much.

Eu prefiro o primeiro jogo da franquia para o Famicom. É mais bem acabado e mais divertido.
Mas esse não é um jogo ruim não.

Game Review - originally written by Spinner 8

This is the sequel to Hammerin’ Harry, which was only released in Europe I think. Anyways Daiku no Gen San 2 is just more of the same, really: walk to the right, smack things with your hammer. Yup!