Reviews from

in the past


There was a very brief period of time where I preferred DOA to Tekken and it was basically the time in which I played this game in 2001 and probably 2002 as an idiot kid. If you haven't noticed that was the same time as when Tekken 4 was the current game and you'd be hard pressed to find anyone in the fanbase who'd allow that game anywhere close to their top three for the series and at that point I was starting to temporarily fall off of Tekken.

It was definitely something new for me, but I never quite liked the gameplay as much as Tekken even if some of the moves were very fun to pull off like Leon just chucking someone straight into a wall head on or doing a spinning powerbomb off a roof with Tengu. I think what really gripped me was how fast the action was and the stages being these big interactive arenas with transitions and whatnot that I didn't experience yet. It's a game that I enjoy screwing around with in training mode, but wouldn't like playing it against hard mode CPUs or people who knew what they were doing.

The ladies also for some reason just don't do anything for me, I dunno what it is exactly but they just never came off as attractive to me. Maybe the boobs were too big? The outfits were too skimpy? It could also be their soulless eyes staring directly into the forever expanding reaches of the abyss. The boobs thing was kinda ridiculous even to 12 year old me back in the day I hate to say.

I guess Leon was just more attractive, sorry ladies.

This was actually a pretty good fighting game I went in with low expectations
The combat was fluid although it had some problems with the screen going black midway fights which was really annoying
The story for all characters was just fine but it's still a pretty solid addition to the series

jogo continua raso, mas a melhoria é visível na física dos peitos das personagens e na troca de cenários em tempo real.

Playing on a CRT is a sublime experience

'Virtua' rock 'em sock 'em to a very fine degree

Played this constantly last year. It was wonderful. Fun fighting and great boss battle at the end. Loved this game.

You know for something with literally "hardcore" in its name, the AI in this sure is a billion times easier than the first game.

Childhood game that made me realize I like girls

The problem with these games is not the fact the female are objectified, is that the males aren't

Meh, despite the things they added, this one just feels bleh to play compared to the Dreamcast version, it's hard ot tell why...also what the hell is this boxart? It doesn't even look like Dead or Alive, looks like some sci-fi high tech future cop game. Overrall I find this update boring, and the dub is mediocre but it is the first time DOA was dubbed, only other times were Dimensions (much better dub there), all versions of 5 and 6.

Also if you will play this, play the Japanese version as it has more content and full on English support. I ended up playing American version without knowing this but It doesn't make much difference to me

Dead or Alive 2... again? Should just name it Alive 2 at this point this is the 5th version of the game...

Dead or Alive 2: Hardcore is a new version of Dead or Alive 2: Limited Edition (JP) for the Dreamcast which itself is a new version of Dead or Alive 2 on the PlayStation 2 (JP) and that version is an "upgraded" port of the Dreamcast version from the USA and that one is a console version with new content based on Dead or Alive 2: Millenium and that game is an updated arcade cabinet based on Dead or Alive 2 Arcade, got that?

Overall this is just another great version of Dead or Alive 2, it adds some new stages, Item collection, CG gallery, and all that type of junk they can fit in a new rerelease, it also includes a complete English dub which is nice, it's nothing amazing and obviously the type of voice acting you'd get in every 2000's games. There isn't anything worth ditching the Dreamcast Limited Edition but I do think the game looks a bit nicer and the cutscenes are a lot nicer, it's also important to note that there's a 6th version of Dead or Alive 2 called Dead or Alive 2: HardCore which is a Japanese version of this release with a new costume and more junk like always, so this still isn't the definitive edition, HardCore is. (Both versions include English text so Hard*Core is the way to go)

I personally like this version as much or even better than the Dreamcast original, they both play well, they both look nice, and you can't go wrong with either.

Still jiggling after all these years. At least until my PS2 gives up the ghost.