Reviews from

in the past

Well, lets put this out of the way straight away. I'm Portuguese and this is a Portuguese game that homages and references Portuguese culture and the 80's, so yeah I'm a bit biased about this one. I did like it and nails all the little nuaces of our culture but... if i'm being honest... as a game, apart from that, Detective Case and Clow Bot is not that good and deep, actually its a bit too simplistic for a point & click adventure game.

it's ok to say the least, but i can't really see much that makes me want to come back and play it. the navigation in general just feels really slow and it's very basic

i will say, i did enjoy the artstyle though

A charming little point-and-click murder mystery. Fairly rough around the edges technically and filled with awkward English translation, but still a nice couple of hours. Recommended if you see it on sale, but I'd put the Bertram Fiddle games above this in every regard.

Ahah! Just like I remember Inspector Gadget. Wait no, this one is a redditor. But he is forced out of his basement for everyone to see. Fortunately for him, everyone else is a redditor because that's the "charm" of the game. Don't gel with it but every cook has their prefered condiment.

It's hard to make a case for the sitcom-styled format, there may be a sequel but what sitcom only has 2 episodes? In this era of bingewatching? Tortuguese people I'm all ears for your explanation. Moving on, the variety in designs is there, they all look like me fr (as in, they all look like they stink. Not derogatory)

For what it is and what it wants to be, a funny "Portuguese style humor 80~90's style point and click adventure" it does it really well and I respect it for that

As someone who is from the country of Portugal, that is naturally small, having a videogame come out that has this much reverence for Portugal's culture not only was surprising but also made me excited!
I'd say this game definitely delivers on what it sets out to do. It's a simple point-and-click adventure game, with very witty dialogue and sense of humor, using a lot of Portuguese expressions, 4th-wall breaks and dumb jokes that made me smile.
It's not a very complex game, and it's also short as heck, and I didn't verify how good the English translation is as I played it in Portagoose, but check it out, I think you'll have a good time.