Reviews from

in the past

I was absolutely obsessed with this game when i was like 6 years old. I mean you can play as a Dog, annoy people, take a shit and throw it at someone, you collect bones to level up and travel across america to save your Dog GF. For some reason the game turns into Silent Hill at the end which freaked me out a bit. A childhood classic!

why how did i own thisd
why doi i own thisd

probably one of the games of all time

i remember pooping everywhere lmfao

i legit thought i hallucinated this game back when i was a kid what the actual fuck

Not sure if it holds up today, but I played it on launch and beat it many many times. One of the fondest memories of my childhood was playing this game over and over again on my old CRT.

É o meu jogo favorito de infância, fazia speedrun dele na PS2 pq n tinha cartão de memória e queria acabar o jogo. Isto tudo pra dizer que me preparei a vida toda pra ter um recorde mundial de 100% do jogo. Enfim, amo este jogo com a minha vida todinha <3 Passei o jogo, na boa, mais de 30 vezes

SO MUCH FUN. i replayed it in 2019 and it holds up.

What other game has dedicated piss and shit button combos?

minus one star for game related nightmares. But i genuinely made a friend in primary school because I helped them finish this game. They brought their memory card over and I finished the fucking last level bc they thought it was too scary (kinda was). Played the shit out of it by renting it from blockbuster/borrowing it from my cousin.

UNDERRATED GAME ALERT What's more entertaining to a kid than taking a shit wherever you want?

One day I shat (in game) in a car windshield and thought it was so funny I stopped playing in order to show it to my father when he arrived from work. I fell asleep before that happened but my mother showed him for me. :,)

This game reminded me of my time in New Jersey when a rabid Dalmatian killed my father with a Zweihänder and attempted to shoot me with a sawed off shotgun. I have not yet been able to mentally recover from the trauma of this incident

damn it really is
a dog's life

i never finished the game, so i never even saw the final level until many years later. maybe that was a good thing...

I wish I had been crushed in the dog food machine rather than having to play this game

This was and always will be the game of all time


When I picked this game out the guy at Gamestop told me that it was only meant for 2 year olds. Kinda rude but maybe it was a compliment bc I mustve seemed like a mature 6 year old

Okay. The game has a ton of glitches and stuff BUT it’s seriously a hidden gem. It’s super fun and weird and no other game has even come CLOSE to it as far as playing as a dog goes.
I’ve loved this game since I was like 10 and I continue to ruin people’s lives by making them play it.

NOOOOSSA eu adorava isso, era dublado em PT-PT. Cada área era bem legal. Dava pra latir e cagar, melhor simulador de cachorro.

I love a good simulation game, and Dog's Life is one of those odd little "there is nothing else like this on the market" PS2 titles with a good amount of genuine effort and attention to detail in it.