Reviews from

in the past

The side notes after playing this DLC really shows how tragic One is in trying to save her sisters.

Decent backstory but a bit forced.

It was interesting enough and I enjoyed that last fight against False Zero but it had to weight and just felt like filler the entire time.

[reviewing this after finishing branch C but also before reviewing the entirety of drakengard 3 but I will post this after finishing all the reviews damn this is a stupid remark]

one is weird

I have no idea now even after the DLC what her deal is she wants to make a new world that actually elicits some kind of genocide so I really want to understand her view on world piece as a whole in this current day and age and also what I do not understand is her character and personality she's unreadable I don't understand what her deal is but maybe she's just depressed yknow that might be the issue here

one is the only intoner without a disciple to fuck and suck his dick dry and get smashed against a wall by and moan like a bitch sorry I got carried by my sexual fantasies so I was saying she's the only one without a sex slave even though she says she has a bomb sex drive like her sisters do but she just goes with some onanism as much as I understand

so being alone she does something that should be deemed illegal in this magic world but isn't apparently

create a brother

now her brother is a lookalike and could be a great anime crossdressing cosplayer star but he just follows one's orders and actually wait in the shadows for the opportunity to cave zeros skull in

again after one theres another person whose character I dont understand and her brother is just as unreadable as her so as much as for their personalities I can say absolutely nothing

what I can say tho is that this insight into one's mind is v interesting for the plot and i can feel her hate towards zero for miles and miles

so umh that's already the end for them

now gabriella… love of my life I love you so much and I love the fact that she actually cares for one and is saddened by the fact that shes gotten more reserved and cold after event X that we don't know maybe its just adolescence

now the gameplay has some interesting parts but it's just normal stuff also she fucking got a chakram as a weapon who THE FUCK uses chakrams as their main weapons please go away

so ughhhh the end ?

I love the fake zero fight even tho I still dont understand how it works thank you everyone im off to do branch D

and her little portrait is cute

Drakengard 3 is bizarre because it is 80% hot anime trash fun times and then randomly shifts gears to be something almost cool and compelling, and that 20% is often when One is on-screen. When combined, they bring each other down, but here, sectioned off into her own little pocket dimension, One and her story get to flaunt their own kind of appeal.

One's Prologue is what I had kind of expected and would have liked all the other DLC's to be - short stories that expand upon teases of characters and scenarios breezed past in the main game. One's Prologue also shows how that was kind of impossible for any character besides One and Zero, because sisters Two through Five existed as character designs for boss fights and nothing more. One even has two interesting characters to bring with her - her constructed brother, and a dragon!

But even done well, and with nothing interesting to complain about as for the other DLC's, there still isn't a ton here to justify its existence. Maybe these would have been cool to have worked into the base game somewhere, unconstrained by the 4 level length of these DLC episodes - we only needed one or two to learn everything interesting there is to learn.

If the story or lore mattered in this game at all, then this would be the one worth a YouTube watching.

Honestly the "One on One" pun is pretty slick, might be the only part of this game's writing that actually gave me an emotion other than disgust or second-hand embarrassment

I was recommended this game by someone in 2020 who had pulled out all the stops on what they did for their social media. For example, they would completely change their name and profiles to whatever video game character they most loved at the time and would only be addressed as such. Weird guy also their recommendations were already pure ass. (Part 1 of a Full Review)

Considering the Intoners other than Zero didn't get much screen time in Branch A of the main game resulting in them being pretty underdeveloped, I think this DLC is a good addition if you care to learn more about the characters and the overall story of this universe. While it's not a crazy big telling of One's backstory it gives pretty good insight into her thought process, who she is as a person, her beliefs and the things she cherishes and adores, and her reason for fighting in the first place.

It's a pretty cheap DLC all things considered so I think this is worth getting if you want to delve more into the characters.

Solid! Not peak or anything but definitely really good. They made being limited to chakrams not feel restraining unlike Five's spear or Four's bracers, and the boss was also great!

the first healthy sibling dynamic in a yoko taro game