Reviews from

in the past

The game's dynamic and emergent gameplay is very impressive. You might get bored for the first 2 hours until you figure it out but then this game will be crazy. You choose your own path: you can just defeat all the creatures in the world or you can just farm and mine to build your own base for the whole game. The RPG element is very good for a survival game and this game even has a gripping story. You'll be curious about the story behind the shroud and by the end of the game you might be enshrouded.

You may call this game Valheim 2,
but it's got progression, skill trees, and loot,
This is much more a "game",
and it would be a shame,
for the cracks, this game to fall through.

Character creator with a single body type.

It's fine. Still in early access, so I'd imagine this will get a lot better with time, but for now, it's just your average open-world survival/crafting game. There's lots of potential for fun here, especially with the great building system and promising skill tree, but at the moment, the world feels overbearingly dull/repetitive. I didn't have a bad time, and the combat feels good, but I wouldn't recommend playing solo. Get a group of friends and have some fun together. But don't expect anything amazing (yet).

tl;dr: tons of potential here, just needs time

100 hours ALREADY, I cant get enough of this game!

A surprisingly good under the radar game that even in it's early access form, has dozens of hours of engaging gameplay to digest. Enshrouded combines robust base building and survival mechanics with deeper RPG elements than you wouldn't expect in a survival game like this. The combat is comparable to the original Dark Souls only with less polish and impact. With that said, the combat feels to be a clear step up when compared to it's contemporaries. Besides a couple non-game-breaking bugs, I've really enjoyed my time with Enshrouded - give it a try if you enjoyed games like Valheim and V Rising.

Es un juego con demasiado potencial, jugarlo con amigos es demasiado cool, me gustaría que pudiese haber servidores dedicados full multiplayer, para poder jugar tryhard allí, luego de haber jugado chill en los privados.

This review contains spoilers

/!\ Attention je spoil un peu des mécaniques de gameplay qui sont cools à découvrir /!\

Le jeu n'est pas réellement fini puisque les choses à faire se terminent sur l'acquisition d'un planeur "ultime" plutôt que sur une fin d'histoire, mais, c'est déjà excellent. Alors oui ce n'est pas exempt de défauts, oui la re-jouabilité est pas dingue, mais pour une early access c'est vraiment top. C'est dur sans être exigeant ce qui rend le jeu accessible pour ceux qui préfèrent le farm et la construction et c'est en même temps pas beaucoup de farm pour ceux qui n'aiment pas ça et préfèrent se taper. Quant à l'exploration, on découvre sans cesse de nouveaux points d'intérêts partout sur la carte sans jamais se dire "Putain c'est hyper loin, les allers-retours vont être chiants" puisqu'il y'a un système de TP. Et là je ne parle que de mon renssentis en partie solo, une fois que je me suis intéressé au multijoueur avec des amis, le système d'arbre de compétence prend encore plus son sens, permettant ainsi au groupe de jouer à un jeu différent de ses compagnons (attention tout de même je ne parle pas d'une révolution). Et pour ce qui est de l'exploration, le faire en groupe est encore plus agréable. Pour finir sur la question du lore, le jeu nous "force" à lire de petites intrigue permettant de réunir des informations pour différentes quêtes ou simplement pour agrémenter le lore et notre connaissance sur ce qui s'est passé et pourquoi on en est là. C'est assez bien fait pour ne pas être lassant (en tout cas pour moi) et ça nous donne juste ce qu'il faut pour attiser notre curiosité et notre imagination. Pour tout cela je donne 4 étoiles au jeu avec l'espoir que de prochaines mis à jours viennent l'étoffé et le finir assez pour qu'il passe à 5.

Wow, another 2024 survival game that everyone says is the best shit in decades, that physically hurts to play and runs like shit. What a great year it's shaping up to be

Curious to see how this games development goes. Lot of promising things in the pipeline

wild this has the early access tag, it's a full ass game. duo'ed with my partner, really loved it. a hand crafted map makes replay hard, but the experience is so much better for it imo. earlier survival games like minecraft were so much more about being in a randomized world and telling your own story -- enshrouded has a story to tell and the finely crafted level design to do it in.

Another survival game with various elements of different games like Zelda, Valheim and others. Is a fun game for play with friends and just it.

Lo he jugado poco, pero el juego tiene un potencial muy interesante. Con elementos que recuerdan al Valheim, pero con una estética más "luminosa" y un buen sistema de construcción.

Faut se dire que c'est qu'une beta

Lots of fun with friends, building a base is super satisfying.

I really wanted to like Enshrouded. Hopping off the hype of Palworld, this game will probably get overshadowed, which is unfortunate. I found the game to run smooth, and like that I can dig through terrain like Minecraft. Overall, on my 15 hour journey through this game, I found myself lost of much fun, and the crafting and such was oddly clunky. Not my cup of tea, but I'm so glad I tried it out.

Overall, I give Enshrouded a 6/10.
Game #10 of 2024

dobrej start ale moc stejny mozna po updatu bude lepsi .
taky mne sere bug ze nemužu mít víc než 60 fps

Pretty enjoyable, has a lot of potential, excited to see what it can do in the future.

EU tô gostando, mas meu computador...

Pretty good game, can't complain. It takes a lot of features from other games, but I guess that's how we do games now.

Early access has its performance issues, but the building is the best I have ever seen. No restrictions, just make your fantasy home. The resource grind is rough sometimes, but that's just for building. The exploration and adventure is mystical as you find yourself exploring and find a good piece of loot, guarded by a boss.

Enshrouded is a great game to play with friends. None of the mechanics are ground breaking necessarily, but it gels well and works to give a engaging game in multiplayer. Exploration is really fun and crafting is cool too. You can solve most traversal problems with a pickaxe ;)
The combat is decent as well, even if it is certainly quite basic. Luckily, it is very varied so you may not notice it until a bit into the game. The survival aspects are dialed back so you can focus on exploration and crafting and combat. There are some basic puzzles too.

Unfortunately the game has 3 big issues.
Firstly the story exists but is literally just text, reading is a bit too basic to be the main story in a game in 2024 according to me.
Additionally, the game is just too big for its own good , and unlike something like witcher 3, not most of it is unique. You can notice the repetitive aspects very soon and the game can become a chore over time.
Finally adding onto that, if you are playing it solo , the chore aspect really takes over to the point i got bored and left. The variance in fun i had in multiplayer and singleplayer is extreme so i cannot rate higher than 3/5, but actually if you have mates to play with this is a very very good game and really worth trying out !

A little overwhelming to jump into, and never really got into it.

Gros classico, un peu mal équilibré mais trop bien

Negatives- Shallow game that doesn't bring anything new to the genre and makes everything more frustrating. It's as stale as you can get; repeated enemies (bats zombies bandits wolves) and a big empty world with repeated structures. Not only the world building is weak but YOU are also weak. You can get good gear but as soon as you go to an area one level higher you get one shot-ed. If you want to be a mage (since it is a fantasy world after all) you're going to suffer while running circles and spam-jumping to avoid attacks because your mana is recharging. You can't fully heal by respawning, resting sleeping- only berries that you need at least 20 to max heal in the end game. To make something small you need so many obscure materials. Building is nice and complex but the material cost of it is just simply frustrating. For example, you need end-game materials for one small painting and a small flask. To craft different things you need to go to different npc and if you're not planning on making a sweatshop for them you're going to be running back and forth instead of having the recipes you unlocked from them in your workbench. During the night you might as well close your eyes and rest them for a bit because you're not going to see anything either way and the difficult terrain isn't helping.
Positives- Complex building mechanics with many different styles and decorations to use. Ability to clip items and make interesting designs. Unique skill abilities allow you to make lots of different character builds.
Overall it's an ok game a bit overhyped. You will only enjoy it when you play with someone who can make it fun.

-34hours total