Reviews from

in the past

This DLC did what should have already been in the game. I didnt even know this existed until a bit after I had completed it

I love that I can become a god with this DLC installed.

Love that blowing up Megaton again is an option, in case you didn't do it the first time

Why wasn't this the part of the main story? Painfully mediocre dlc, Liberty Prime and his goofy ass tossing nukes like footballs was definitely a highlight of it but still, why wasn't this in the main game?

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Broken Steel is an interesting experience, as once again it reflects the unintended design philosophy that had infiltrated itself throughout Fallout 3 - great ideas, hampered by poor implementation.

The gameplay and mission structure is a little more involved than the previous two dlc, and that was a much appreciated addition, fleshing out this Brotherhood of Steel somewhat. The problem is that the Enclave, the villains of both this DLC and the main game, are so underutilized, especially when comparing their prior incarnation in Fallout 2. This edition of the Enclave has nearly no depth, and that is super disappointing.
Overall, the gameplay and questline was enjoyable, but the story implications were near non-existant, and the bullet-sponge enemies that were added to this DLC overall made exploring the open world at higher levels a slog that is entirely unenjoyable.

You can join the brotherhood even harder than you could in the base game but some brotherhood NPCs still treat you like you're an outsider?

The main questline also leaves a lot to be desired, it's mostly roughly linear FPS gameplay.

The added enemies (super mutant overlord, albino radscorpion, feral ghoul reaver) all have terminal cases of bulletspongeitis to boot, making the extra ten levels feel like your character is actually getting weaker.

What if you wanted to play Fallout 3 past "Take it Back!", but Todd Howard said "BULLET SPONGES"

Gives fallout 3 the ending it deserves.

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i almost feel bad for the Enclave at this point

The final story missions in this one are actually fun with a satisfying ending but the tesla cannon sucks outside of vats

I don't have much to say with this one. It's ok I guess? It adds barely anything to the already mediocre main story. I just find it really boring, but might be because Fallout 3's iteration of the Brotherhood of Steel is my least favorite. Best parts about it is that it lets you continue playing after beating the main quest and that it increases the level cap.

I love the fact that these guys made a game with one of the worst endings ever only to release an expansion that gives it an even more underwhelming ending.

Oh my god... that awful Enclave mod for New Vegas was just inspired by this... why...

Easily the worst of the DLC for FO3. First it completely breaks the game. 10 more levels are added with a bunch of OP perks that allows you to become a super god while destroying builds completely. You can pretty much be everything now. Add to that new versions of old enemies that are just bullet sponges and a boring and uninspired story and you have something that would be best avoided. That is if it didn't add the levels and perks, so maybe worth a buy for those who want it.

the added story and quests are ass you only get this to increase level cap and to keep playing after finishing the story ignore all else

This should've been part of the base game.

Isso aí deveria vir com o jogo base, vai se fuder Bethesda kkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk

Bethesda can go fuck themself for making the true ending of the game locked behind a DLC. That does not matter now as much I suppose, given the GOTY edition is dirt cheep, but come on guys. Its is fun though, good mission and story.

It's whatever. It's just an extra hour of you shooting bullet sponge enemies but you get the Tesla Cannon which is pretty badass tho.

It’s also pretty asinine Bethesda made you buy a dlc in order to make the ending not completely shit lol

2ème DLC de Fallout 3 que je fini,

je trouve ça un peu honteux de la part de Bethesda de bloquer la suite du jeu via un DLC payant. Surtout qu'il est pas si ouf que ça.
On doit combattre des sac à PV tout le long et c'est comme l'autre DLC enfaite, ça consiste juste à jouer à COD. On à le coté Fallout totalement effacé une 2ème fois.

Mais ce DLC a au moins le mérite d'être plus intéressant et cool que Opération Anchorage qui était horrible.

Broken Steel marks the endgame for me in the Fo3 part of my TTW runs... and as such, I LOVE this DLC for its challenge.

When it released though, not as many people were singing this DLC for its rewarding gameplay as much as they were DECRYING IT for featuring a new ending to the base game of Fo3 that allowed gamers to continue playing after the credits.

And yeah, I agree... paywalling a better ending than the terrible one we got with Fo3 is kinda lame. But at least nowadays you can find this thing bundled with the maingame of Fo3 for dirt-cheap prices.

So what exactly is the meat and potatoes of Broken Steel? Well, the post-main-story draw of it all. Broken Steel picks up where the main story left off, and sees players taking on the very last bit of Enclave forces left in the capital wasteland. Featuring several new locations, like the Adams AFB, the mobile base crawler, and my favorite location, the presidential subway, Broken Steel offers even the toughest lone wanderers serious challenge.

This is brought about via several new enemy types, the most prominent of which being Enclave Hellfire Troopers (who wear the best armor in the game), Feral Ghoul Reavers (who are bullet-spongey, massively-high DPS monsters), and Super Mutant Overlords (with the highest HP of any non-behemoth super mutant, equipped most commonly with the new tri-beam laser rifle).

These enemies, on top of seriously challenging gauntlets of combat like Old Olney Powerworks, make Broken Steel feel like the hardest part of Fo3. While it lacks any significant gameplay additions such as a choice-based story like The Pitt, or an entirely new explorable location like Point Lookout, Broken Steel makes up for these shortcomings by being just FUN.

But that kind of substance can only last so long before you start to realize the cracks underneath. Broken Steel is fun, yes, but those aforementioned enemy types spawn WAY TOO OFTEN even if you haven't started the DLC/are the recommended level for it. On top of this, Broken Steel's scummy handling of adding a post-game isn't the best look. Also, the convenience of this DLC does not last long. The combat encounters are, to tell the truth, samey across the entire time you play this thing. But being able to test out Vengeance (the gatling laser) in brand-new power armor in an all-out war against the Enclave in the Adams AFB is an experience I won't soon forget.

Pretty mid, not gonna lie. First of all this DLC should've come included for free with the base game as a bonus quest or something as it's literally the end of the story for the Brotherhood of Steel.
And honestly, it's not that fun. It has its cool moments, but overall, it was pretty buggy. The best things about this DLC are that the end is satisfactory... maybe?

This is my second time playing Broken Steel and I'm still not the biggest fan of the DLC. There's some aspects I appreciate about Broken Steel like how it fixed the base game's ending and the Tesla Cannon, which was fun to use, but overall, I found the quests and storyline to be lackluster.

they really made a worse ending than the original

The DLC that was made to allow a proper ending to Fallout 3.