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i think making a game so bad that you had to make dlc to retcon the ending is incredibly funny

Not as good as the main game but still underrated.

More fallout 3 and the ability to keep playing fallout three all for an extra £7. Fuck off and die

the added story and quests are ass you only get this to increase level cap and to keep playing after finishing the story ignore all else

"Hey so you know how our game has pretty bad combat"


"What if we made a DLC devoted to really hard encounters that were mostly damage sponge enemies"

"Hmm, I dunno about that, I'm not sure that'll sell well"

"What if we bundle it with the patch to fix the ending that everyone hates"


more of the main story equals more sleep inducing writing and corridor shooting damage sponges

2ème DLC de Fallout 3 que je fini,

je trouve ça un peu honteux de la part de Bethesda de bloquer la suite du jeu via un DLC payant. Surtout qu'il est pas si ouf que ça.
On doit combattre des sac à PV tout le long et c'est comme l'autre DLC enfaite, ça consiste juste à jouer à COD. On à le coté Fallout totalement effacé une 2ème fois.

Mais ce DLC a au moins le mérite d'être plus intéressant et cool que Opération Anchorage qui était horrible.

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Broken Steel is an interesting experience, as once again it reflects the unintended design philosophy that had infiltrated itself throughout Fallout 3 - great ideas, hampered by poor implementation.

The gameplay and mission structure is a little more involved than the previous two dlc, and that was a much appreciated addition, fleshing out this Brotherhood of Steel somewhat. The problem is that the Enclave, the villains of both this DLC and the main game, are so underutilized, especially when comparing their prior incarnation in Fallout 2. This edition of the Enclave has nearly no depth, and that is super disappointing.
Overall, the gameplay and questline was enjoyable, but the story implications were near non-existant, and the bullet-sponge enemies that were added to this DLC overall made exploring the open world at higher levels a slog that is entirely unenjoyable.

Isso aí deveria vir com o jogo base, vai se fuder Bethesda kkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk

When your ending is so bad, you try to make another one, and it's still bad. The new missions are simply waves and waves of enemies mindlessly thrown at you, making for an even duller experience than the main game -- an incredible achievement.

i forgot this one existed tee bee h

Bethesda can go fuck themself for making the true ending of the game locked behind a DLC. That does not matter now as much I suppose, given the GOTY edition is dirt cheep, but come on guys. Its is fun though, good mission and story.

What if you wanted to play Fallout 3 past "Take it Back!", but Todd Howard said "BULLET SPONGES"

It's whatever. It's just an extra hour of you shooting bullet sponge enemies but you get the Tesla Cannon which is pretty badass tho.

It’s also pretty asinine Bethesda made you buy a dlc in order to make the ending not completely shit lol

I love the fact that these guys made a game with one of the worst endings ever only to release an expansion that gives it an even more underwhelming ending.

An epilogue to the main story that should've been in the original release to begin with. Not terrible, but pretty repetitive and ultimately an exhausting stretch of gameplay. I hope you like fighting tons of deathclaws and armored Enclave bastards. By the time I was done with the questline I just wanted to move on from Fallout 3 despite having more DLCs to play.

Love that blowing up Megaton again is an option, in case you didn't do it the first time

The final story missions in this one are actually fun with a satisfying ending but the tesla cannon sucks outside of vats

The first quest is fun, the Tesla Cannon is awesome, and it lets you keep playing the game indefinitely, but like, Broken Steel is barely a suitable ending to the game's story. It's a mega-rushed final scrap between the Enclave and the Brotherhood, so rushed that it's only three missions long and when the third mission comes along, the Brotherhood's like "oh yeah this is the final battle btw, I know we literally just got that Tesla Coil, but I guess we're ready to whoop the Enclave's asses now".

Honestly, I was starting to feel bad for the Enclave after three straight missions of kicking their ass. They aren't even a threat anymore, just a bunch of guys running away from you with their tails between their legs. They're in disarray and they've been broken down into splinter cells, so like, it honestly feels like you and the Brotherhood are just bullying the Enclave in this DLC. Sure, the Enclave may shoot at you on sight, but it's understandable, they're like a threatened, frightened animal biting you on impulse. Kinda wanted to throw the Enclave a bone at the end of it all, y'know? I know they're a bunch of genocidal elitist pricks, but they're also the genocidal elitist underdogs in Broken Steel, so it's really cute how the game likes to think they're a pressing threat when, in reality, the Brotherhood already has all the advantages. "Broken Steel" my ass, the only thing they lost was their already-overpowered patriot robot.

(I'm aware you can blow up the Brotherhood's Citadel at the end, but like, what good is that gonna do for the maybe six people still left in the Enclave by the end of the game? Not like it changes anything, it's just another randomly evil choice for the sake of it.)

Other than that, there is nothing to talk about with Broken Steel beyond the fact that its' title is hilariously mismatched with the Brotherhood-steamroll narrative. Its three missions are repetitive shlock and new characters are carelessly introduced and discarded (like these random Ghoul survivors at Old Olney or Stiggs, a guy indebted to the Enclave that could have been cool but instead has no screentime to speak of). But it does have the Tesla Cannon, so. 2.5 / 5.

You can join the brotherhood even harder than you could in the base game but some brotherhood NPCs still treat you like you're an outsider?

The main questline also leaves a lot to be desired, it's mostly roughly linear FPS gameplay.

The added enemies (super mutant overlord, albino radscorpion, feral ghoul reaver) all have terminal cases of bulletspongeitis to boot, making the extra ten levels feel like your character is actually getting weaker.

This is my second time playing Broken Steel and I'm still not the biggest fan of the DLC. There's some aspects I appreciate about Broken Steel like how it fixed the base game's ending and the Tesla Cannon, which was fun to use, but overall, I found the quests and storyline to be lackluster.

Absolute garbage. A continuation of a story that nobody cared about, and the end result is a boring, annoying DLC that has absolutely no value in terms of story and even pure fun. Terrible.

It's just so boring. The linear enclave quests are boring, the added water quests are nothing. The perks they added after level 30 all suck.

o final de fallout 3 pode ter sido bem estúpido, mas pelo menos ele tava divertido. isso aqui é tão maçante e idiota que quando eu percebi que eu gastei mais tempo aqui do que na dlc da anchorage (outra dlc ridiculamente ruim do jogo) eu desisti. ganha uma estrela por eu ter visto o lendário metrô de fallout 3 (que é só um carinha com cara de metrô)

Solid few missions, but totally feels like this should have been the original ending, and it probably was. Nothing particularly unique in the DLC, but it does feel like a necessary addition.

This DLC did what should have already been in the game. I didnt even know this existed until a bit after I had completed it. Got to see Liberty Prime again though, which is epic :D